Sfz - flac samples

Linuxsampler build script include some modifications to the default building options. This changes were made by @Schpion, a historic zynthianer and creator of this jewel:

He made greatly contribute to Linuxsampler engine and “tuned” the build script:

#Configure with optimizations from Schpion
./configure --enable-max-voices=21 --enable-max-streams=64 --enable-stream-min-refill=4096 --enable-refill-streams=2 --enable-stream-max-refill=131072 --enable-stream-size=262144 --disable-asm --enable-subfragment-size=64 --enable-eg-min-release-time=0.001 --enable-eg-bottom=0.0025 --enable-max-pitch=2 --enable-preload-samples=65536

As you can see, he touched a lot of optimization parameters related with the way LinuxSampler manage sample cache, sample reading, etc.

We should try the standard building options and compare.

LinuxSampler documentation may give some guidance about all this parameters …
