SFZ sharing thread

This thread is for sharing links to good, free SFZ samplebanks.

Here’s a few I know of.

Attempt to build a completely free set of GM instruments.

(the mappings repo is for sfz definitions of sample packs available elsewhere)

Lots of samples in various formats. Those not in SFZ can usually be converted via ConvertWithMoss. (Will probably require further tweaking to be suitable)


Cool, the thread is on.

Usually the converted libraries need some extra editing. This might be not the case if the original Kontakt library does not contain more substantial information than velocity ranges, sample and loop points, maybe tuning information and does not contain more than one group (plus release sample group). Attack and release times have to be edited most of the time. So I would rather take a converted sfz with this tool as a starting point.

ConvertWithMoss will import Kontakt sample groups as under each header, but will not reflect most of the sample start options or scripts like round/random robins, cc fades, legato groups or scripts, mic positions or whatever.

Take care: if more than one group was present in the Kontakt library (mic positions, other scripted articulations) you might burst your ears because the generated sfz will likely play all at once.


So here are some additional resources:

But I’d say that there were some sfz collection lists already compiled in the internet.

What would be interesting though would be a nod at especially good specific libraries. So what about this: I did an sfz for the decent samples library from pianobook.co.uk:
Matt’s Fender Rhodes.sfz (10.1 KB)

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Also please keep in mind that you might want to use that tool for libraries with suitable licences, at least if you plan to share these.

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Maybe also look in this existing thread which might have been found by searching

I did search but somehow missed that one.
Besides, this is for all kinds of sounds, not just pianos from pianobook :slight_smile:

Hello to all sfz affected zynthianist,

My post for those who have a wind controller. SCC Expressive Strings - Modified sfz file for CC2, based on the sfz files published by S. Christian Collins - Orchestral Virtual Instruments - here is source of sound files.

SCC Expressive Strings-Key Switch-CC2.sfz (33.1 KB)

I’m wondering if anyone has tried to modify other sfz files for the wind controller. Something like Northern Trumpets free SFZ library

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Great! This is going to be a useful, engaging and lively thread :+1:

That is cool, though cc2 here is modulating the volume and simply replaces expression pedal. You could implement that easily in the trumpet by replacing all occurances of cc1 (dynamics) with cc2.

In the trumpet instrument you anyway might want to start the sample from a specific cc2 value. Not sure if that can be done with on_locc2.

I see if I find time to look at it. Don’t have a breath controller, but might be even fun with cc1.

Edit: Northern Trumpet has a wind controller patch already, right?

Can anybody explain the Pianobook EULA in terms of how we could use the samples? What I understand is, that samples uploaded should be copyright free (does it mean, also free of cc0 use as you like agreements?) and thus the libraries are just free for anybody to use for the intended use case (doing music with it, also commercially), but not redistribute it (for example integrate them into zynthian iso), hack them (for example write an sfz script replacing the nki) or just share them here? And what if the uploader includes any licence note there with any do what you want licence?#

I mean, the instruments I uploaded myself I intended to be used by anybody as they like, but obviously pianobook just licences and not sells them (for free).

Possibly relevant lines:

This license expressly forbids resale or other distribution of the Products or their derivatives, either as they exist in the library, reformatted for use in another sampler, or mixed, combined, filtered, re-synthesised or otherwise edited, for use as sounds, multi-sounds, samples, multi-samples, sound sets, programmes or patches in a sampler, microchip, computer or any sample playback device.

So, the same question goes for anything else. I would really like to share some scripts I made here, but I really try to avoid any licence infringement. Like, for example, I made sfz scripts for Embertone Ivory Wind with true legato, which is a free library, but I’m not allowed to:

– Upload or distribute any Embertone product or the containing audio samples to any server or torrent site.
– Use any Embertone products’ audio samples or patches to create other sample libraries.

So, is it ok to provide sfz files to people who also “own” or have “licenced” the “free” “content”?

There is another Salamander Grand project with cc-by 3.0 licence I just found here:

I didn’t test it yet, but they claim to have introduced some advanced velocity filtering and alighned all the velocity layers and some fixes you might find in the chancelog. Since it is already on V5.2f compared to V3, I calculated it must be 73.3% better than the other library.

Maybe it’s a candidate for the zynthian starter package.

Share the scripts, but link to the sfz files on pianobook. don’t redistribute them.

In that case: Here’s a work in progress of Embertones free Ivory Wind:
Ivory Wind.sfz (70.1 KB)
You’ll find some description in the file itself. Note that I did not script the legato transitions more than an octave, so you have to take care you are not playing legatos of more than an octave until now, because otherwise it would produce silence.

Yes, that’s the simplest modification I’ve made to Orchestral Virtual Instruments.

If the sfz have dynamics over CC1 or CC11, it is usable for wind controllers and the response is more dynamic. Unfortunately, there are not many such free sound fonts.

For example, I like the sounds of saxophones and tuba from Karoryfer, but they are specifically and perfectly prepared for sforandzo / aria synth and unfortunately don’t work that well with sfizz.

Yes, there are three options:
Northern Trumpets_BreathContr_1.1.sfz
Northern Trumpets_KeybContr_1.1.sfz
Northern Trumpets_WindContr_1.1.sfz

So it’s perfectly prepared and you can choose according to your controller.

Provided that:

  • The SfZ files do not contain any audio data (i.e., only configuration and mapping).
  • They are intended solely for users who already legally own or have a license to the original content (i.e., “free content”).
  • There is no form of redistribution of the original audio samples, nor their incorporation into new libraries or systems (e.g., into ISO images for devices like Zynthian).

Then yes, sharing these sfz files should be in accordance with the terms. (my AI lawyer said that)

An example of the fonts that are available : GitHub - sfzinstruments/mappings: A repository for SFZ mappings for various samples hosted elsewhere

The original version of the Salamander Grand Piano has been relicensed as public domain.


I made an SFZ soundfont of the lovely Leisureland samples with some added functions:

  • CC1 (Modwheel) sets tuning
  • CC74 sets tone (LPF)
  • Poly-AT ads 6dB of gain
  • Notes C1 to A#2 keyswitch between sounds

SFZ file is largely based on this: GitHub - ExistentiaVirae/Mellotron-SFZ: SFZ Version of Mellotron Samples
Samples from here: Leisureland
→ The keyswitching is in the order as mentioned on the site.

If you have suggestions for making them better, please let me know!
(Ps: does anybody know a place to host these? They’re too large for Github apparentely)


Chris Collins General User Soundfont got an update to v2 (2.0.1 meanwhile) with lot’s of improvements:

This is the soundfont also used by Robin Gareus’ x42 GM Synth and others.