Snapshot load of sf2 banks


I created a new snapshot which contains three layers (or how do we call it now?) of the FluidR3_GM sf2 file.
But when I try to load it, it fails to select the instruments.
In the Mixer view the instrument name is gone.
And the log says this:
zynthian_engine_fluidsynth.load_bank_config: Can’t load bank config file ‘/zynthian/zynthian-data/soundfonts/sf2/FluidR3_GM.yml’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/zynthian/zynthian-data/soundfonts/sf2/FluidR3_GM.yml’

In the zss file, there is no .yml file mentioned by the way.
Is this bug known?


Hi @mheidt !

Nice to read from you, mate!

This error is not an error. It simply says that it can’t open the YML with the extended config for this soundfont bank. Most of soundfont banks doesn’t have one.

The problem should be in a different place.


yo @jofemodo
one update cycle via webconf wasn’t enough.
Did one more in the ui and it works…