SOFTWARE UPGRADE: Change to Master branch, GUI code refactorization, fix setBfree rotary's slow speed,

Hi @Zynthianers!

A new software update is out, with some fixes and a GUI code refactorization. Also, from now, the “master” branch will be the default branch for the Zynthian Boxes. Development and testing will be done in separated branches and merged into master when ready for production.

You can update from the GUI Admin menu (Update Software) or from the command line, running the script:

# /zynthian/zynthian-sys/scripts/

This is the list of the most important changes:

  • Refactorization and splitting of GUI source code: 1 class/file
  • Change to master branch
  • Update setBree to solve rotary’s slow speed problem
  • Bugfix: load default snapshot on startup




If you already updated this week, you can’t update from the GUI Admin menu never more because there is a bug (fixed in the next update) that breaks the admin menu update function. My apologies!

For fixing the problem you have to update from the command line, running the script:

# /zynthian/zynthian-sys/scripts/

If you don’t want to use the console, you only option is burn a fresh gorgona image and update twice (or three times!) from the Admin menu. This should work too, but i haven’t test it.


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I have. After I whitescreened my zynthian - i don’t know how…to many different update scripts maybe, I went that road.
You were right, 3 times :slight_smile:
But it would be nice to have an image with the latest webconf.
Having a waveshare, I needed to do the updates via ssh…
But after that, the webconf made my box whole again.

You are right, @mheidt!

I will upload an updated SD image as soon as possible :+1:
