Some keyboard issues in bookworm

Hi guys, experimenting with bookworm image actually everything is working great!. But i noticed a strange issue using a keypad (it’s one of those from Aliexpress) configured as normal keys just to be fine with standard bindings:
The related zynpot commands emulated on keys sends a stuck input signal, i mean if changing encoder values in a synth control page, holds last key pressed (up or down). this issue happens just for zynpot.

Even disconnecting the keypad, values stay hold and changing :confused:
Same issue on a custom rpi5 zynthian with no encoders and on an original zynthian v1 kit. Checked same keypad with last stable zynthian OS on v1 kit and everything works fine.


Thanks for the report. Could you please open an issue from the main screen in webconf.

Also can you provide a link or more specific re “it’s one of those from Aliexpress” like a model name-number or the link.

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Also describe the exact actions taken and the expected and actual behaviour observed.

ok, will try to write the issue, even i’m not very familar with clear and concise explanations :sweat_smile:

But for more clarity, i made a video

It doesn’t happen with a normal keyboard.
But it’s weird it happens depending on the Os…

Is zynthian fully updated after installing Oram (Bookworm version)? The stuck encoder issue was (mostly) fixed in an update.

The behaviour is indicative of zynthian not detecting the key release. This can happen if the key-up event is not sent or the modifier is released before the key-up. This is by design as it allows to lock the key / rotation and, if the keyboard is sending the right pattern of modifier + key, then it should work properly.

It looks like the auto-repeat isn’t implemented in the older version hence the behaviour differs.

Walks away quietly whistling Dixon of Dock Green theme . . .

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ok, i just did the update but there is the same issue.

but… the “select” zynpot binding works fine. (3,1 - 3,-1) and, surprise, it’s the only one with pure comma and period keys without modifiers.
It seems should be the issue you mentioned

The bad news are there’s no way to manage this on this keypad setup, as far as i know.
I will investigate on this. Or turn back on Buster also because i’m not finding multitimbral mode on bookworm anymore :sweat_smile: but this is another story

Read the forum, read the docs. Multitimbral is in there my friend…

i just read exactly the specific part regarding bookworm oram. i don’t find any MULTI mode in any page around webconf or admin :sweat_smile: i only see the “active channel” on zynthian admin.

You need to bold press on an input in MIDI input screen to access its options.

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thanks, actually i didin’t see how to reach option on the specified wiki

We are improving the docs but still have with to do.

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This is merely a curiosity question, I don’t think it has anything to do with the keypad issues: What’s with the red buttons next to the encoders? I looked at the build guide for the version one Zynthian (Building a Zynthian Box using an official Kit - ZynthianWiki) and it seemed to use encoders with built-in buttons - are the red buttons separate from the encoders, and do the encoders have buttons built into them? and does the tape with the number three cover a hole for a fourth encoder? Is that part of a standard older Zynthian or a custom mod to get around some problem?

It’s basically an original V1 but let’s say i had some issues since the beginning with encoders and so i decided to double their push with a softer separate button, in particular those more used such as snapshot and Select. Now i’m quite scared to open it again, for this reason the “Back” encoder will stay broken forever :laughing:


Thanks for explaining that to someone who entered the Zynthian world at v4.


No worries, a pleasure

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