SooperLooper Files


Is there a way to load files in SooperLooper loops (aside in windows mode) or is there future features (working with zs3) ?


Zynthian’s implementation of SooperLooper is supposed to allow saving of presets but there is a missing element at the moment. It can be done from the GUI but that requires running up slgui and saving the session to /zynthian/zynthian-my-data/presets/sooperlooper (which does not exist by default). I’m not sure how the user preset feature got broken. It needs fixing. (A bug report would be a start!)

These presets are native SooperLoop sessions which include a slsess session file and associated wav files. So it should be possible to implement a method to import / export sessions, e.g. using webconf’s preset interface. This will only happen if someone raises a feature request and then someone finds the time and enthusiasm to implement it!

In short, there are not plans but there could be. :wink:

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