SooperLooper - In Testing

This workflow is not what i would do. How is routed audio?
I would do something like this:

  • SooperLooper in the Main Bus. MIDI-learn sooperlooper controls using absolute MIDI learn (controller/learn options submenu), so you can control it regardless of the selected chain. Should we force absolute MIDI learn on Main Bus, @riban?

  • Chain with ZynAddSubFX: channel 1

  • Chain with LinuxSampler: channel 2

  • etc.

If you want to layer sounds, then use the same MIDI channel for them and enable “Active MIDI channel” from admin menu.

If you use a single keyboard for playing, set ACTI mode for it. Then learn your ZS3s.


I’ve ordered a spare SD card. Will try Oram again in a few days.

I didn’t know there was a function called absolute midi learn. I’ll check it out. But at the moment I’m using the v5 buttons to control it.

But still… How do I change the active layer when I’m in the sooperlooper GUI?

You can’t. Active layer is always the displayed/gui-controlled layer.


No! A user may have a MIDI controller that they use to control the currently selected processor, e.g. ADSR on a synth and Compressor in main mix bus.

I cannot find this option anywhere. I searched the forum and the wiki pages. webconf. It is mentioned at some places, but never explained.

Ok thanks,
That’s why I put it in an audio/midi channel. So I can control everything from there. I 'd rather have my eyes on sooperlooper than on the synth.

But maybe I can learn to live with that.
Any advice on how to find the absolute midi learn would be really appreciated.

If you have V5, you click a knob for “chain midi learn”, a second click for global/absolute midi learn.

If you don’t have V5, you must access the midi learn submenu.


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I was working on this and have improved access to global MIDI learn from classic layouts and touch interfaces. Please, note that global MIDI learn is specific to Oram.

Classic layouts with knobs at corners

  • Click knob#3 (learn) to enter MIDI learn mode. The green “??” should be displayed on every controller.
  • Click knob#3 again to enter Global MIDI learn mode. The yellow “??#??” should be displayed on every controller.
  • Move the desired controller to select it. The selected controller will remain with the yellow “??#??”.
  • Move the knob in your MIDI controller to bind globally (absolutely).

Touch interface

  • From chain options, select “MIDI learn- > Enter Global MIDI learn”. The yellow “??#??” should be displayed on every controller.
  • Touch the desired controller. The selected controller will remain with the yellow “??#??”.
  • Move the knob in your MIDI controller to bind globally (absolutely).

Mental note for docu writers: This should be added to the wiki’s oram documentation :wink:



I think I found a solution that works for me. To control Sooperlooper with global controls works indeed, but I would like to keep my eyes on the interface. Just to be sure I hit the right button, and to see in what track I am recording.
So putting Sooperlooper in main bus is not working for me, because I cannot control the mixer anymore.
But I found out that you can edit a ZS3 subsnapshot to only update the mixer, and leave the rest alone.
So I’m back to my first try:

Sooperlooper in an audio/miditrack and forwarding all midi to the synths in other tracks.
Audio routed back to sooperlooper.
And all synths I don’t want to hear muted, exept for the one I’m using.

But now I can look at the sooperlooper screen and change instruments while recording.


Good to know you found the way! Please, some some recording from your loop-jamming :face_with_monocle:

Anyway, you made me think it could be useful to change the active chain while keeping the view fixed on the mainbus control screen.


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I have PCM5102 as an audio interface. There is only stereo out, no audio in.
Could that be causing the issue on the screenshot?

If you have it working until you selecte Sooperlooper then it isn’t a hardware config issue. Please provide logs. If you see this all the time then report and issue in the tracker as it isn’t a sooperlooper specific issue.

You can see logs in webconf INTERFACE->UI Logs. The window updates dynamically. Note that the “Show Debug” button restarts zynthian in debug mode and produces a lot of logging. Don’t do that yet. Just send the log for the period that you see the error (including the preceeding few log entires).

[Edit] @jofemodo we should change the error reporting so that it catches the actual error and not this higher-level one (which shows that something went wrong when a button was pressed but no detail of the actual issue).

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It seems this unit is not updated to last oram. You have to connect the unit to internet and update.
If this doesn’t work, please, send the UI logs.


I will do ASAP.

Did an update. Issue resolved! Thank you!

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I’m not done yet. :slight_smile:

Is it possible to trigger/pause/record anything else than the active layer in sooperlooper?
I want to record a bass-line for the verse of a song, and a second bassline for the chorus. Then I want to play the verse, and with a tap, start the chorus. Is that possible?

30 posts were split to a new topic: Audio recording to USB storage not working in Oram

You mean the active loop in sooperlooper, right?
In sooper looper all controls act on the active loop, so you must set the active loop to the one you want to control. This is not a problem, the active loop only denotes the loop that receive the control events. Nothing more. Changing the active loop doesn’t modify loop status in anyway. You can use different workflows for getting your task done, but i would use this one because it repeats the same combination of taps all the time:

  1. You record 3 loops. Loop 1 should be always on as it’s the master. You could record some rithmic pattern, tapping or kind of metronome. You can mute it when playing if you like, but you shouldn’t re-trigger it Then mute all and let’s start. Set verse loop active.

  2. Trigger the verse loop and set the chorus loop active, so you are prepared for the next change.

  3. When you want to change to the chorus part, at the start of the last verse loop, trigger chorus loop and set verse loop active. Chorus loop will wait until the end of the verse loop to start.

  4. Mute verse loop just when the chorus loop start, so they no overlap. Now chorus is looping and you are ready to go back to verse.

  5. When you want to to go back to verse, trigger the verse loop at the start of the last chorus loop and set the chorus loop active.

  6. Mute chorus loop just when the verse loop start, so they no overlap. Now verse is looping again and you are ready to next change to chorus.

  7. etc.

You make 3 taps for every change:

  • Start of last cycle of sounding loop => Trigger loop + Set active the next loop

  • End of the last cycle of sounding loop => Mute the sounding loop


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Yes! Bind MIDI CC as “absolute binding”. This will always use the MIDI channel and CC number of the CC message. The alternative is “chain binding” which will use the CC number but target it at the selected chain.