Stable-2306: USB automount problem

Hi there,

yesterday i made an backup from my running zynthian v4.1 (with the 2020-09-05-stable image) and wrote the actual Stable-2306 image onto the micro-sd. After configuring WiFi i walked thru the web configuration and found out that the connected usb stick (128GB, FAT32) was not automounted.

with lsblk in the terminal i can see it as sda1, in /media/usb0 there is nothing…

is this a bug ?


I am seeing this behaviour. It would be advantageous for you to report this via the issue tracker.

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i have opened the issue/bug #890


Weird, i was trying to get a usb thumbdrive working for samples. is this why it is not showing up? by the way the wiki describes the process, it sounded plug and play. Is there a trick or is it currently unfunctional?

This is a regression in the latest stable release caused by a change in the Linux kernel. It will be resolved soon.


This is already fixed in testing version and also in the next staging-2307 version.