Starting my zynthian build: alternative LCD, DAC, encoders

Audioinjector doesn’t need rewiring.


It should work perfectly with AudioInjector :wink:


Thanks @jofemodo and @mheidt. I’ve bought an MCP23017 module and will build a simple board just for prototype and test. I think on the final version I’ll to use the official board =)

Today I’ve received the 5" waveshare LCD (HDMI with touch over USB) from Just configurated at webconf and all works perfectly. I’ve bougth the all-in-one board on zynthain shop and will wait the shipment to continue my build saga.

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One more update: yesterday I’ve received the all-in-one board (the new version with SW-1 connector). But I lost the welding sucker and I’m afraid to mount the board without this tool.

Today I found courage to solder the components on the all-in-one board


But I’m with a doubt about my encoder type and the original zynthian encoder board:

My encoders are from keyes brand, model KY-040. They’re have 5 pins instead 4 of the original zynthian, and two resistors (instead 3 capacitors of the zynthian control). How can I modify my encoders to “fit and work” on the zynthian all-in-one board?


Update: this is the schematics from KY-040

Anyway, I’m considering to buy the zynthian control module if the modification be complicated a lot =(

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From a quick look I’d just not connect the + terminal it seems to be just a pull up connection. I’ve connected encoders without the capacitors and it works.

I’d give it a go. it’s all pretty passive so the risk of doing any actual damage is pretty low.


The resistors are pull-ups. And as @wyleu wrote: don’t connect “+” and you should be fine.

Regards, Holger


Thanks @wyleu and @C0d3man. I’ll try soon as possible!

Hey, dudes! Today I’ve gotten a ribbon cable (from a old computer) to connect the audioinjector on the all in one board. But:

  1. I don’t know the correct orientation for the pin number 1 (red wire) on audioinjector and all-in-one module.
  2. What is the equivalency from of the pins on JST connector and my KY-040 module pins?

Before I mount with the JST cable, I’ll test with dupont female-female wires. On module, I have CLK, DT, SW, + (I’ll not to connect) and GND. On the all-in-one board, I’ve 4 pins. In the top view, with CTRL1 label on bottom, what is the correct equivalency?

And about the webconf? How can I’ll to configure the all-in-one board?

There are many pictures on the site to use as guidance . . .

Shows a zynth with an audio injector and the All in One board but no ribbons that will however give you the orientation of the pins that might help the issue, by showing which way the boards are orientated. When I put together the above system ( its zynthian-nord in my world) I plugged the all in one in the wrong way round. IT didn’t seem to do the machine any damage but of course I wouldn’t recommend it.

Choosing the webconf settings for hardware involves choosing the All in One option from the list. If you build your own encoder system and use different 1/0 ports you will have to construct your own encoder mappings ( again there are many examples especially in the early days of the site) bu the All in One should just work.

Please tell us if you figured it out. I can send a picture in about a week.

I’ve had connected the audioinjector and all-in-one board with the ribbon cable, but I need to connect the encoders and don’t know the equivalence between the KY-040 and 4-pin JST connectors from all-in-one board.

Today I received the audio jacks and I’ll to solder at night. Once I have all hardware working, will start to project the box.

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My Motor 61 has just turned up! We shall see. It was very cheap.

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while that, I’ve not yet connected the encoders on zynthian all-in-one board :frowning:

I’m going to see if I can work out how to use the encoders and pads on the motor

my dream: to setup the faders with the setbfree drawbars and get some automation :heart_eyes:

Which firmware are you running… ?
It shipped with 1.081 latter versions are available on the Behringer site .

You need a PC to load them.

1.091 Loaded.

What a strange machine!
It has a 64 Presets but I challenge you to move easily between them!
To display a list it’s into the Global preset button …
The ‘home’ screen is really good at telling you what it’s just sent which I really like, but Preset selection requires you to Push the Data Encoder and you feel that you are turning the knob. A bit disconcerting.

A lot of the menu driving is via the push on the Data Encoder to the right of the screen. Sadly there’s no comfortable position ( perhaps cos I’m a leftie ) to place your hand and you are reshaping your hand to go between the data encoder and the Back and Fwd buttons. So changing parameters are rather long involved menu wanders. At least they have gone for button a function otherwise you’d be rarely visiting some bits.

So I will probably be largely ignoring the Presets on it which means I’m limited to 8 sounds allocated to the Touch pads. Very odd and there’s worse the Patch pads will allow you to set MSB LSB Bank but won’t store it through Power Off. ( Ouch!) .

Now some of this shouldn’t be a problem for the zynth.
Run the Motor in one preset, with 8 Pads allocated to zynth snapshots ( Pre-load?)

More as dig in.

Sorry @jonathaslacerda, but I have to disappoint you:

IMHO setBfree cannot assign MIDI-CCs to drawbars. So I made a fork and mapped the drawbars in LV2 (and called the whole setBfreak).

Unfortunately the drawbars are internally executed as integer values (0…7). You can only make whole jumps, which leads to ugly, step-like distortions when moving the drawbars during playing. You can only use the drawbars when no sound is being produced. The whole thing would have to be converted to floats deep in the engine - this is an extremely complicated task.

Regards, Holger

setBFree set’s the MIDI cc in the config file.
e.g. from K2500.cfg


‘upper’ refers to the midi channel the number is the midi cc.