Staying connected, staying sane

Ok - looking at Zynthian Boxes in the World (which I know may be out of date - add yours by requesting here) I see the highest concentration in central Europe and North America so I will schedule our first Zynthian Club night for 19:00 UTC on Tuesday 7th April 2020. Some of our American friends may be at work and our friends in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, etc. may have a rather early start to their day if they want to join - a true test of your devotion to the cause :wink: . To be as democratic as I can I gave the time in UTC which almost no one is currently using. (UK are currently on BST (daylight saving).) However, to assist you here are the local times for a few locations that may be near you:

  • London, UK: 20:00
  • Barcelona, Spain (central Europe): 21:00
  • New York, USA: 15:00
  • Los Angeles, USA: 12:00
  • Melbourne, AU: 05:00 Wednesday 8th April
  • Wellington, NZ: 07:00 Wednesday 8th April
  • Tokyo, JP: 04:00 Wednesday 8th April
  • Kirov, RU: 22:00

I am sure you can figure out (or ask a friendly search engine on the Internet) what your local time is at 19:00 GMT.
I want to avoid “Zoom bombing” so will not advertise the meeting invite here. I will send an IM on this platform to each member who has voiced an interest within this topic, including the URL and p/w. To further avoid unwanted visitors (there is a current trend of bad behaviour from trolls) I may limit invites to established forum users initially. If that is an issue we can review. I would prefer to be more inclusive but want to avoid this social gathering being attacked when we are all trying to be nice :slight_smile:.

We can use jitsi like Baggypants suggested for our initial meet to see how that works. It is limited to 40 minutes for non-paid members so we have a time constraint imposed on us - which I think feels about right.

So post your interest here and let’s raise a glass and chat about the Zynthiverse on Tuesday.