Success Cases

@guiseppi That’s a beautiful release… and it seems to be some very long and fine work…
I guess you can be satisfied…

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Great! Electribe 2 as a sequencer for Zynthian is perfect! I’m using mine too.



Yes the scale and chord functions in the new Electribes are really good also the Sequenzer and the workflow. It is my first take together with the zynthian … it think it’s a good combination … a lots of people didn’t like the Electribe due its limitations but with the zynthian what do you want more ? :blush:


Nice build! Regarding a screen… how about re-purposing a clam-shell phone or DVD player screen? It could go where the Alesis logo is. :slight_smile:

The smallest screen that we have seen working is the 1.8" ST7735. It works but isn’t as comfortable to use as a larger screen. There was some discussion on offering a low resolution display for such devices but we didn’t peruse that. It is still on my list to return to but I currently have a massive 7" touchscreen. I would like to build a performance / spare Zynthian with the small screen but not today…

So my Zynthian is finally finished. Or almost anyway, I not happy with everything like the crocked buttons and I would really like som nice faceplate with text.

I tried to make it so that it would blend in with my setup.

The display to the left and the buttons is a MIDI-controller. Since my keyboard isn’t great when i comes to sending program change (it can but it is cumbersome especially if sending on ch 16 a k a loading snapshot) I wanted an easier way and since I had a arduino nano I figured I could send program change with it. After I while that idea grew and I thought it would be nice if it could visualize and change drawbar settings and maybe other settings as well.

This is a demo of how it works. There are som bugs that have to be fixed.

So I guess I have to show the inside. I don’t really want to because it’s a mess.

I didn’t make a back panel since I was to lazy and I figured it might as well be opened för air flow. I put in an extra input for a foot switch. It could probably be connected to the zynthian as well as the arduino.





I know what you mean. Pretty much the first thing I want to do after building something is rebuild it in light of what I’ve learned about layout from the first version !

now, it would appear you have a functioning zynth… . .

You know, of course, this means but one thing . . .

I prefer the look of the inside :grin:

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congrats ! that’s impressing
How did you manage to get midi notes from the mechanical piano ?

It is a fake piano. I suppose some midi controller in a vertical piano “enclosure”.
A fantastic idea indeed.

Yes I’m already thinking of building another one :slight_smile:

Yes it’s fake. It’s a Casio cdp-130 that I bought to learn how to play. I realized that if I would ever learn how to play I would have to come up with a solution where I could have it ready to play all the time but in a way that my wife would accept. So I built a keyboard-enclosure that looks like a piano.

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Even in the train ? :rofl:
But yes, zynthian is almost plug and play. No need of external computer.

The first word that came to my mind was… pocket size…
It’s amazing how smd technology make us dive in a world of miniatures…

We are ready to face the announcement from Genetic Control whose “sad duty” is to inform us " of a 4foot restriction on humanoid height"…

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Was it the town of Harlow?

Yes, Mary, and they agreed to leave…


Hello David…
I have been ordering a PCB recently, for a small module… I ordered 3 différents ones, from PCBWAY…
1 is the PCB itself, where the components are all mounted…
1 is the front side, with no copper route, only the serigraphy with text and symbols…
1 is the back side, also with only symbols and text…
The plates will be black with white serigraphy…
As my module is small and simple, it costs me 5$ per plate…
Knowing that your plate would be bigger ( more than 10X10cm) and with a rectangle opening, it would cost 30 or so… ( but you would have 10 of them !!)
I guess the finish will be rather glossy, not matt… maybe you would like, maybe not…

I guess I like your drawbar visualisation… what display did you use ? A 20X4 ?
Because you placed it close to the Zynthian screen, I would have chosen a white on blue… or maybe you can change Zynthian’s screen colors to fit the colors of your display…

Have a nice day…

interesting idea for diy…