Is possible to use the sustain pedal as a sustain pedal in the hammond emulator? Now it works as an enable/disable for the rotation. Thanks!
Hi @jordisilv,
Yes, I think there are two ways:
- You have to edit the configuration files for setbfree directly on the Zynthian (via ssh).
- I am not 100% sure, but you can try to use setbfreak in MOD-UI and try to advise the MIDI controllers. If this does not work, I can add this to setbfreak - but not the next weeks.
Regards, Holger
Ok, thanks! I’ll try!
Regards. Jordi.
I’m not sure that setBfree implements “sustain”. It’s an emulation of Hammond B3 that doesn’t have a sustain switch. I know that some popular plugins, like the Native B4, implements the sustain pedal as an “extra feature”, but setBfree use the sustain switch for changing the rotary speed, that normaly have sense in a “hammond emulation context”
hello guys ! fantastic world ! i discovered you recently, and after setting up my pi4 with a “cheap” dac, fabulous sounding, i ran into this problem too : how to have sustain on setbfree ? also i can’t access the MOD-UI. If anyone can help me i would be happy. only this brick is missing to lock in a box and bring in live my Zynthian! thanks to those who want to help me. If any of you need guidance on how to install the fabulous Dac, which I found on Aliexpress for only 2.50eur. i will be happy to help. greetings from Neaples (Italy).
hello! thank you! i tried the “http” mentioned in the guide, but i still failed in both cases.
the thing is that i am not so good in this amazing world of linux.
Have the same problem with the newest oram-OS.
No connection with http://zynthian.local:8888/
(MOD-UI is loaded in chain 1)
me too!
As I explained before, setBfree does not support sustain. This is a fact.
In setBfree, sustain pedal (cc64) is used for switching rotary speed
I don’t think sustain has much sense in any kind of organ, but this is only my personal opinion, of course. Anyway, if you want to emulate sustain in setBfree, you could try “tonal pedal” from MIDI Tools. It’s only available in latest oram.
thank you very much for your answer! as far as I’m concerned (I’m speaking as a keyboardist by profession), the sustain on the 'organ can be useful when you want to layer it with the piano, to use it as a “pad,” to make it walk along with it. you’re right when you say it doesn’t make sense, but that applies to more “pure hammondist” use. Not if you understand me.
Forgive me, but because I am a novice, I think I don’t understand a certain kind of teminology: what does “oram” mean. Excuse me for asking this question!
@Tony The term Oram was introduced recently, here:
Thank you! this is all great for me! so the current version available on the site is already “Oram”? Or is there a section dedicated to operating systems under testing? Is it already “stable version” a release of Oram? I’m not sure if I understand this correctly. I apologize to all of you!
At the present time (2024-03-06 as I write this) Oram is not stable or production. It is available for testing if you wish to try it, and are willing to endure the problems of a test version.
I understand and we are trying to solve this use-case, but not in current stable version. New features are implemented in the testing version, that currently is named “oram”, so you have 2 options:
wait until the next stable is released
download and try the testing version
If you do so, please, use another SD card and keep your current stable one.
All the best