Hi dear Jofemodo! As you requested, I post here my problem building a Zynthian box! (and I am the first to use new forum…wooooww!! )
I’m Marco, the technical responsible of Garretlabs, the italian blog of open source ideas (http://garretlabs.wordpress.com).
I really love your project, since I build diy synthesizers…and I play them in my musical projects.
So… I’m building one Zynthian box starting from scratch. I used a Raspi 3 rev.B, the Hifi Berry and I built on myself the flat cable, the two controller boards and the 2in1 board (using prototype boards).
All seems to work correctly (except audio and midi, which I not test yet): display, rotary encoders and switches for the two controllers directly connected to Raspi GPIOs. Also switch (connected to X07) of MCP23008 used by first controller seems to work . But… when I press the SW2 of the second controller connected to X08 of MCP23008 the Zynthian have some strange behavior (the majority of times the display turns to
black…and I think the Zynthian is powered off). It seems that I2C connection with MCP23008 works, because at start I saw the waveforms on pins 1 and 2, and the its pins 16 and 17 are correctly high (in order to detect when the switch is pressed, that is the signal turns to low).
I used the old image of Zynthian operating system and also the new one (sonar) for my tests (I noticed that the new one inverted my encoders direction…so I inverted the cables ), both downloaded took from Torrent.
I also tested the MCP23008 on a solderless breadboard with the standard connections for this chip (I2C on pins 1/2, +5V on pins 18/6, GND on pins 9/3/4/5, and then pin 17 for X08 and pin 16 for X07) connected with the Raspi pins on flat cable.
I also obviously exchanged the two controllers, they seem both ok.
Always the same situation: when I click on switch not directly connected to GPIO on the second controller (which is passing from MCP23008) … the Zynthian powers off.
The problem to me seems tied to the Raspi pins used for the second controllers.
Do you have an idea of the problem? Anyone encountered it?
Or do you have any suggestion in order to investigate which is the problem?
For example, is there the possibility to attach a connection via SSH to open a shell? And the GPIO library displays some debug message on the shell?
Thank you very much for your project, which is beatiful and great!
And thank you very much for your support!