All sounds made/processed through Zynthian V5.1!
Love playing guitar and bass at the same time! This time I used the offset effect to rush the snare a little in the beat. Also the hihats are swung but the bass drum is straight a la JD aka J Dilla.
It sound great !
How did you split your first string to the others ? It doesn’t share the same effects
Thanks! There is a small cigar box guitar pickup under the pick guard (MGB Micro Pup 3/4 String Single Coil Flat Pickup | Cigar Box Guitar Parts | MGB Guitars & Parts Supplier) so only the top 3-4 strings are picked up. The E and A strings are playing through the synth pickup (Fishman TriplePlay).
One more! Here’s my snapshot if anybody’s interested.
014-guitar 2.zss (52.2 KB)
Hi @Joe really cool thank you. You make me discover that these guitar pick up are not that expensive.
Is your guitar directly plugged into the Zynthian 5.1 or are you using some kind of preamp in between ?
I’m going straight into Zynthian. I know you’re supposed to buffer the hi-Z signal but it hasn’t been an issue for me.