Hello everybody,
This is a conversation I already began with Jose from Zynthian via email.
He kindly asked to move our conversation to this forum.
Also I had some difficulties folding the dispaly cable properly, all went relatively well while building my zynthian V5.1 synth till the 5.1 step of the assembling manual (connecting the display)
When I tried to pull the connector tongue on the display, the connector broke immediately…So I tried to repair it with hot glue and continued with the building but, when I tried switching on the unit, absolutely nothing happened. When I reopened the box, the display connector broke even more and i’m not able to reconnect it again… a pitty…
So, here is my question… since I know that I have, at least, a problem with the tft screen (I will get a new one soon…), is it possible to check if everything is working properly on the main board and the pi only, for example by connecting this board to a hdmi screen…
To be sure that I flashed the sd properly and so on… so I could see if the screen is the only problem… I already noticed the green light on the Pi when I switch the unit on…
I’m a newbie in building such a kit, the only experience I have with this kind of things is soldering audio cables. Honestly it’s really possible that I did a bad move or other mistakes all by myself… I want to learn more about open source music, raspberry pi, diy projects and so on… that’s why I bought the zynthian…
Can anyone give me good advices ?
Many Thx and sorry for my poor english…
It should be possible to insert the flat cable correctly into the socket, then apply the lid afterwards to fix the cable. It is depending on the socket mechanics whether this will work or not.
The build seems good except for the display tongue. You could test everything by connecting a HDMI display to the RBPi5 and trying to boot.
Regarding the display connector, as @travelrec said above, if you insert the cable, then the tongue and fix with some hot glue, you should be capable of getting it working. Please, try this after checking everything else is OK. If you can’t get it to work, i would send you a replacement.
I tried to test with hdmi connected with rbpi5 and had the following result…
I think something is not working right but am not sure… can you tell me… is there a problem with the os… I used balenaEtcher to flash the zynthianos last stable .img file to a samsung 512gb micro sd card
Here is the video recording of me turning on the mainboard with hdmi and what followed on the screen : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bhHb1VhtyHShpa9tUfZxh58gcriNYnMK/view?usp=sharing
Many THX for your help
Many thx le51…
I thought I did everything right but am a noob and kind of ignorant… I will try to flash the card again (and maybe another one) and film it to see what I did wrong…
Looks like my first micro sd card had a problem… Thx @le51 and @jofemodo
I flashed a new one connected the RBPi5 to an external monitor via hdmi and the system seemed to be working fine… but then I had an error message : 'IP : audio/midi" error with the picture of some older lady… Can anyone tell me what it means… is it just because the display and connector board are not connected to the main board ? Here is a video of the booting process…
Many THX for your answers !
Hi there…
And many THX @jofemodo, @le51 and @tunagenes for your kind answers…(I didn’t know about Daphne Oram and her work…)
So I retried to connect all the cables…I glued the display connector and then attached the connector cable again then booted the machine…
Great news… the touch display seems to work know…
2 not so great news :
the display shows me an upside down portrait of Daphne ORAM
still have the " ip: audio midi error message" even though I checked my wiring as carefully as I could.
So… my questions :
-What could be the reason for this upside down image
I checked the connection of the control board as carefully as I could and I think I did everything fine… What do you think could be the problem… should I reflashed my sd… something different?
Here are the different pictures and videos I took during my latest actions (connecting the display, the control board, booting the system… : Zynthian 241026 – Google Drive
The hardware will display inverted by default, but the default Zynthian software should take care of this. So an inverted display usually means that it is not completing the boot of Zynthian OS. I would suggest re-flashing your SD card with the current release and starting it from scrach now that you have the hardware problems sorted out. If it doesn’t work I’d try a different SD card.
Also keep in mind that the first boot may take several minutes to expand/adjust the partition size to the actual SD card size, so don’t get anxious and stop it while it’s doing that - have a cup of coffee!
If you’re still having problems then I’d try @le51 's advice above re getting a dashboard screen and pasting it here.
I re-flashed the sd card and everything seems to be working as it should now.
@le51… I didn’t understand your message…IP… which IP??? Although I’m sure it would have been very helpful, it was way to cryptic for me. Seems I still have a lot to learn…
THX again to all of you… I’m sure I soon will be back on this forum and hope to learn a lot about the synthian, RBPI, early electronic music composers etc.
What @le51 was suggesting was accessing “webconf” the Web Configuration Tool, which is a very useful tool which let’s you access Zynthian from a web browser. If you were still having problems this would give us some troubleshooting info. You can get more info here: https://wiki.zynthian.org/index.php/Accessing_Zynthian_from_your_computer#Accessing_the_Web_Configuration_Tool
But by all means, explore that when you feel like it, have some fun with Zynthian itself first. And congratulations on a successful Zynthian build!
Thanks one more time to all of you …
Even if I had some beginner troubles building the synth, your kindness made me feel immediately part of something different…