The Zynthian Kit v4 has been released!

Is there a way to get notifications when the v4 kit is back in stock? I dug around the website and couldn’t find anything.

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Hi @hugenerd !

Welcome to the zynthian project! I hope you enjoy and learn a lot with us :wink:

Currently there is no notification mechanism on the ecommerce, so simply stay tuned. We hope to release some v4 kits on the next days, but i don’t know how much they will last, because we are facing huge problems for sourcing some components (ADC & oscillator chips, specially) due to the global supply-chain crisis.



Thanks for the warm welcome and the update! I figured the global supply-constraints had something to do with it, which is why i was looking for a newsletter of some sort. I’m certain I will forget to check by the time chip production catches up with demand :grin:

maybe i’ll live up to my alias and write a script that checks the store once a day to see if kits are in-stock :nerd_face:

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Stay tuned on the next days. We will release a few kits … :wink:

In my opinion, the project still finds too little attention.

Neither of two reps at the largest music store in the county had heard of Zynthian, neither had their onsite Roland rep heard of Zynthian.

i didn’t let that stop me from buying from them a Nektar LX49+. Now to figure out how to connect it’s plethora of knobs to do mod tweaking with some of the synths in Zynthian. Right now none of the knobs seem to be changing anything about the current patch. Plugged in to USB at the same time as my Korg AIR, it seems like they are both playing to midi channel 1, but each keyboard can be set to a different octave, although Zynthian seems confused about the octave buttons on the PV49. And the mod wheels on one, joystick on the other, do affect the sounds…

More engaging user generated video demos might help expand the following, without the expense of a tradeshow booth.

A retail demo UI version for trade shows and retail stores that can be operated with zero instruction (perhaps with a printed summary guide) where people can audition a set of patches without corrupting the setup might reach more people.

A marketer could probably design a colorful graphic slide for each demo patch.

Patchwerks is one online seller of an eclectic variety of instruments, etc might be a good match for the Zynthian, they have a Kit/DIY section. (Zynface might be a helpful bridge)

Their walk-in store in Portland Oregon opens at Noon, that’s the lifestyle…


FYI, the kit v4 is available again on the shop, until end of existences.

The v4 kit has been updated to 4.4 and now it includes the new official soundcard, the ZynADAC v1.0:



Sorry for the stupid question maybe, but I haven’t been able to find a clear answer:

Do I need to order the Zynaptic Expander and the ZynFace with the new 4.4 kits to get CV etc. or is the full expander now part of the v4.4 kit (i.e. I just need the ZynFace)?

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Hi @wasoota !

Welcome to Zynthianland!!

The Zynaptik-2, that is currently included on v4.4 kits, already include the “CV interface”. The expander kit is for the older Zynaptik-1 (aka Zynaptik) module that was included on older kits, prior to v4.2.


Cool, 4.4 Kit plus Zynface it is then!

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Hi !
What page should we use to know when a new batch is available to sell ?
How fast do you sell everything ?

I’ve been following Zynthian since the beginning, I think it’s time to buy the full kit now.
(Yes I could make one with the stuff I own… Probably… But when ? How many project keep being projects and not finished products ?!)

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I miss the point on your posting?

Anyways … I’m also looking for a Zynthian-Kit, so may I ask when the next batch will be vailable?
Maybe someone here wants to sell me a used kit or parts?

Many thanks and best regards from Vienna,

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