There are CC7 (volume) and MIDI-Panic event problems with ZynAddSubFX


while creating the Money-for-nothing intro with my favorite DAW Reaper I noticed that ZynAddSubFX seems to have a problem with the MIDI-CC-7 (volume). Maybe it’s not ZynAddSubFX but the zyn midi router? I don’t know.

What happens:
I used zynadsubfx-reaper-midi-test.mid (425 Bytes) and ZynAddSubFX on MIDI-channel 2. This track sends as the first event the MIDI-Volume-CC-7 as 0. The volume then increases after the note-on events start. What you can hear is a “click” at the start of the track. It seems that there are some audio buffers send out. But why? The CC-7-volume is a 0…

What also happens: When you stop the track, Reaper seems to send a MIDI-Panic event (I think, maybe it’s a MIDI-All-Notes-Off event?) which should hardly stops every note and/or “release” all keys. But this seems to set the volume to max before stopping all notes - that’s not good for my speakers (and ears) at higher volumes.

This is a demo video where you can hear what I mean.

Any ideas?

TIA, Holger