Trouble installing and licensing Pianoteq (v8.1.3) [SOLVED]

Hey there,

I’ve had a bit of a hunt around and I’ve found a few threads with folks having some issues with this, but nothing quite like my specific one, so hopefully this isn’t a duplicate!

I have a newly built Zynthian with a fresh install, had just been mucking about for a while with Pianoteq and then bought a license for the latest version a few days ago but I can’t seem to get it installed and licensed, here’s a rundown of what’s going on:

When I upload the .7z file (which seems to complete really fast) it shows this message about rebooting Zynthian, but I don’t see any box to put in a license key like I’ve seen in other examples in the forum. Doesn’t appear to be any silent errors in the console / everything appears to be ok there as far as the logged messages go.

Since all there seems to be to do is reboot — I do that, and now the screen just has the first input filled with TRAIL, nothing for version

On the Zynthian UI, Pianoteq is there in the synth chain menu but without a version number

Adding it only shows this (no presets?), and it obviously doesn’t work

I thought perhaps I could see if there was any kind of UI in the remote server interface to put a license into — nothing here

Then I thought perhaps I could have a poke around to see where these files might be going when they get installed, but I’m not too sure about where they’re expected to be!

I’ve also for sanity done a complete fresh flash and tried this all again exactly as described just in case something was messed up somewhere at another point, but it’s exactly the same — any ideas what might be going on here and what I’m supposed to be seeing when it all goes well?

Hi @bluefantail !

It seems the pianoteq binary didn’t get installed correctly in your zynthian. Please, try using the plain “http” connection with the webconf instead of the “https” one.

FYI, i just tested the pianoteq installation with the latest version 8.1.3 and everything was flawlessly using the plain http connection with webconf.



Ok so an update, found (I think) where these live. I can see a v6 version that’s been marked as old (is that the current out of the box trial?) and a symlink appears to be here pointing at all the Pianoteq stuff in what sort of looks like the 32bit arm folder inside the 7z folder …

Ah sorry I just saw this after posted an update :slight_smile:

I’ve been using the plain http connections this whole time including for the VNC connections:

Wondering if there’s something funky going on with this symlink that’s been created for whatever reason, just came across this:

ln: failed to create symbolic link '/zynthian/zynthian-sw/pianoteq6/pianoteq': No such file or directory
./ line 335: /zynthian/zynthian-sw/pianoteq6/pianoteq: No such file or directory

In the output when running a Zynthian software update just now, or is this just because the old version there has been marked as .old?

This is how the uploader is behaving now when attempting to upload a file again, it just ‘instantly’ completes before it ever asks me to choose a file (I was suspicious about the upload speed of the file initially / I’m not sure if this is actually uploading properly)

You are not selecting a file to upload!

haha, indeed …

It did ask me the very first time though which is weird, maybe it’s something to do with how I have a direct ethernet connection between my Macbook and the Zynthian? Firing up its WiFi connection now just to see …

Oohh shoot I just realised that wasn’t in jest and I’m completely not interpreting this UI correctly :person_facepalming:

Big red button haha… it is midnight here … :eyes:

And I make these things for a living :person_facepalming:

I just installed and authorised my copy of Pianoteq 8.1.3 on my Zynthian V5. It worked fine.

Thanks for saving me from that button fail so quickly haha!

I’ve got it working and I’m 99% certain I know what was going on, I noticed my browser had renamed the download automatically, and I wondered if this might be causing something break — downloaded it from Modartt again making damn sure it didn’t this time and viola! A license key box on reboot! :tada:

I don’t think it matters what you call it as long as you select the downloaded file from the webconf’s upload page. You can either drag and drop the file or use the file selector but Zynthian does not try to guess what file to upload. It is a manual selection by the user.

Yep used the drag and drop style the first few times, which came up with the progress bars etc and proper success messages in the console, but just didn’t seem to do the thing — who knows seems to be on track now!

I just used the drag and drop technique. After dropping and hitting the upload button I see " The new file is being installed. Please wait…" which is replaced by " The new file was installed successfully." after installation with a reboot button.

Thinking about it, I’d just enabled WiFi — would it require an active internet connection to be able to register the key? And would the box possibly just not show in that case because I was only directly networked to my laptop the first few times?

You certainly need Internet connection to register. I don’t know if the button hides without Internet access. It only appears after a reboot.

Hmm yeah I’m leaning in this direction makes a lot of sense, I can see the seat is occupied on Modartt now etc.

Yeah so the first few times before I apparently forgot how push buttons haha, I had the wait, success messages etc then the reboot UX flow, but on returning after that reboot there was never any box (hence I started hunting around in the VNC area to see what was happening there etc)

Hmmm, nope can’t really see anything here that would suggest it

Must just be user error or something else odd haha …

Hi @bluefantail !

Did you manage to install your Pianoteq license key? Is this solved?


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