Trouble w/ from scratch build. errors everywhere

Hey there. Im trying to build a Zynthian box to use as a Synth module for a keytar project,
and it’s giving me some real trouble.
I’m using a 4GB RPI 4, and a generic HDMI display without touch. eprom tells the pi it’s 1080p, but its not so I force 720p. Display has analog audio passthough from hdmi to a 3.5" jack, so Im planning to use that for starters until I have the funds for a better audio add-on board.

Anyway, I started by flashing the default image to my SD card and was met with the starup text, before it flashed to a black screen; inevitably loading software to the wrong non-existant display.

I forced HDMI output via the config.txt file, and set HDMI mode 4, but now it exits after trying to start the Zynthian_ui service 5 times, and offers me a login. loging in and running “startx” returns error code 1.

using rasp-config returns some interesting results. the system doesn’t recognize my display, it says nothing is connected to the HDMI port (despite the fact that its outputting through HDMI 0). it refuses to enable pixel doubling, stating that there are no connected displays. it also refuses to acknowledge any audio devices exist before booting me from the audio menu.

interestingly enough, it will still let me select a resolution, though it won’t apply it, even after rebooting, even after entering raspi-config as root.

Trying to connect the Pi to wifi so i can sh into it won’t work, as it spits more errors back at me.
(I really don’t wanna run a 30ft ethernet cable upstairs just to connect to my pi, and my PCs only ethernet port is occupied for its internet connection)

I can say with 100% certainty, that this isnt a hardware issue, as I was running everything perfectly fine on the latest stock Rasbpian image (HDMI analog audio, 720p output, pixel doubling, no overscan, internet connected fine), minuets before trying the Zynthian image.

I understand that this image is made for the per-assembled/kit Zynthians, but what do i need to do to make it work with my hardware?

Don’t use the raspberry pi techniques to configure your zynth. Use a browser and webconf. I have configured all kinds of zynths in all sorts of configurations and the process is
1/ burn an image
2/ connect an ethernet cable to a browser on a laptop or pc. Ideally a hub connected to the Internet.
3/ Start up the zynth
4/point the browser at zynthian.local, you should see a login screen
5/ user name pi, password raspberry.
6/ Should see config page.
7/Select kit and select custom. This allows you to use non standard settings
8/ see display to hdmi
9/Select wiring to dummies
10/ set the audio appropriately.

That nearly always gets you going or close enough to work out issues.


what exactly are the steps i need to use the web config?
do i need a specific browser/plugin, or do I just type in “zynthian.local.uoi” to the URL field?

Assuming you have network connection between your PC and the Zynthian you may be able to connect by typing http://zynthian.local into a web browser on your PC. You should be presented with a login screen which expects the password raspberry.

after MUCH struggle, I got it to work.

So firstly, the system image date was far off enough that my router and PC refused connection.
I was able to use “ctrl+alt+f6” to get into a terminal window and set the correct date with root.

however, the Zynthian service continued to try restarting on a loop every 30 seconds, booting me halfway though typing. this is really irritating.

there should really be a re-try limit. like, 5 failures and it gives up.

Seconly, the web login does NOT work on Ad Hoc connections for some reason, be it my windows 10 pc, or Ubuntu 14 laptop. I can access https://Zynthian.local , but entering the password does nothing.

ONLY connecting it to the router AFTER setting the correct date allowed me to access the settings page from another connected device.
does the webapp require internet connection to operate?

Hi @Menkalinan

Webconf does not require Internet connection. It should work fine with a direct connection from a PC to the Zynthian, even via a direct cable (assuming the PC supports AVAHI).

The latest stable image should have resolved the issue of clock being too far off to be set correctly. Which image are you using? It should be

It was that image yes. I downloaded it about 2 days ago I believe.
Im not sure why neither my PC not laptop could access the webconf with an AdHoc connection, but I have the system working now… sort of.

The Display is sideways and horribly distorted, but i think i can work things out from here.

thanks for the help.

Apologies I’m not a great re-reader ( as many have guessed) …

I’m still teaching myself to touch type …

IT should as @riban has pointed out be
