UI interface

About WIKI it would be useful to have an image of screen to understand the reference of color parameters:
Font size
Font family
Info color
Error color
MIDI color
Alternate color
2nd Alternate color
Background color
Text color
Text-Off color
On color
Low-On color
Off color
Highlight color
Midlight color
Panel background color
Panel highlight color

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Hi @piattica,

For me coming up with my own UI colour profile was partly a guessing game, since some of the listed items aren’t immediately obvious to link to a specific graphic area of the Zynthian screen pages, but it worked in the end :wink:

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Hi @Aethermind ,

So how does it look like? And did you make a description of the color definitions?


Feels like a little command line script.

Hi @maartmaart!

I will post a related screenshot :rainbow:

Unfortunately, I did not write down any explicit interface descriptions for the more “esoteric” UI definitions, but time allowing I could patiently reconstruct them :slight_smile:


@Aethermind thanks… curious about the screeshot… :slight_smile:


Hi @maartmaart :slight_smile:

Here as requested!