UI Key binding for "Enter" and "Backspace" keys not working on all configs

Key bindings for Enter and Backspace are set by default. For example Enter is by default bound to ZYNSWITCH 3.

This config does not work on some devices .

For example, on device with dummy wiring (encoders connected directly to rpi pins) key bindings for Enter is not working. Here is a log when Enter key is pressed:

Sep 17 19:05:23 zynthian startx[2952]: DEBUG:zynthian_gui_keybinding.get_key_action: Get keybinding function name for keycode: 36, modifier: 0
Sep 17 19:05:23 zynthian startx[2952]: DEBUG:zynthian_gui_keybinding.get_key_action: Get keybinding function name for keycode: 36, modifier: 0

On V5 wiring key bindings for Enter works. Here is a log:

Sep 17 19:06:37 zynthian startx[2455]: DEBUG:zynthian_gui_keybinding.get_key_action: Get keybinding function name for keycode: 36, modifier: 0
Sep 17 19:06:37 zynthian startx[2455]: DEBUG:zynthian_gui_keybinding.get_key_action: Get keybinding function name for keycode: 36, modifier: 0
Sep 17 19:06:37 zynthian startx[2455]: DEBUG:zynthian_gui.zynswitch_short: Short Switch 3
Sep 17 19:06:37 zynthian startx[2455]: DEBUG:zynthian_gui_control.set_controller_screen: SET CONTROLLER SCREEN

Is this a bug or something else is going on here ?

This test was on oram.

This is not dummy wiring. Dummy wiring is no zynswitches nor zyncoders. All pins set to -1.

You should not choose dummy from the list unless you want to use touch only.


I did not know this because Dummy wiring work when set with appropriate encoder pins.

Anyway I have changed to Custom wiring and set encoder pins there. Encoders and their switches work but Enter key binding to zynswitch 3 or Backspace key binding to zynswitch 1 is not working.

The same key binding work on MINI V2 that has V5 wiring. Is this a bug ?

Having the same issue on V4, probably related.