Update problems/warning/errors [SOLVED]

Hi @jofemodo @riban,

I just started to update my “band” Zynthian (v4) from pre-latest to latest via webconf and recognized some problems/warnings/errors while updating from webconf:

  1. Repository problem:
Ign:8 https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/sfztools:/sfizz/Raspbian_10 InRelease
Err:10 https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/sfztools:/sfizz/Raspbian_10 Release
404 Not Found [IP: 2a07:de40:b250:131:10:151:131:30 443]
Reading package lists...
E: The repository 'https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/sfztools:/sfizz/Raspbian_10 Release' no longer has a Release file.

It seems that the path /repositories/home does not exist anymore. I also havn’t found any path with sfztools or sfizz.

  1. webconf is not avaialble anymore after update (and reboot):

I logged in to see what’s going on. I tried to start webconf by hand (after setting all the environment from zynthian-webconf.service):

root@zynthian:/zynthian/zynthian-webconf# /zynthian/zynthian-webconf/zynthian_webconf.sh
INFO:zynthian_gui_config.<module>: ZYNTHIAN-UI CONFIG ...
INFO:zynthian_gui_config.<module>: Wiring Layout MCP23017_ZynScreen
INFO:audio_config_handler.<module>: RBPi Device Name: 'Headphones'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./zynthian_webconf.py", line 56, in <module>
    from lib.presets_config_handler import PresetsConfigHandler
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lib.presets_config_handler'

I checked my zynthian-webconf.py against the one from the github-repo and they were not the same (even I tried a git pull before!). I tried to fixed it by:

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

After running zynthian-webconf.sh again I am now getting:

root@zynthian:/zynthian/zynthian-webconf# /zynthian/zynthian-webconf/zynthian_webconf.sh
INFO:zynthian_gui_config.<module>: ZYNTHIAN-UI CONFIG ...
INFO:zynthian_gui_config.<module>: Wiring Layout MCP23017_ZynScreen
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./zynthian_webconf.py", line 39, in <module>
    from lib.audio_config_handler import AudioConfigHandler
  File "/home/pi/zynthian-webconf/lib/audio_config_handler.py", line 32, in <module>
    from zyngine.zynthian_engine_mixer import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'zyngine.zynthian_engine_mixer'

… hmmm, ok. Going to /home/pi/zynthian-ui/zyngine and again

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

and running zynthian-webconf.sh again:

root@zynthian:/zynthian/zynthian-webconf# /zynthian/zynthian-webconf/zynthian_webconf.sh
INFO:root:Wiring Layout MCP23017_ZynScreen
DEBUG:root:ZYNCODER A: [102, 105, 110, 113]
DEBUG:root:ZYNCODER B: [101, 104, 109, 112]
DEBUG:root:SWITCHES layout: [100, 103, 108, 111, 106, 107, 114, 115]
DEBUG:root:ENABLED_MIDI_OUT = ['ttymidi:MIDI_out']
DEBUG:root:MMC Bank Change CCNum: 32
DEBUG:root:MMC Bank Change UP: None
DEBUG:root:MMC Bank Change DOWN: None
DEBUG:root:MMC Program Change UP: None
DEBUG:root:MMC Program Change DOWN: None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./zynthian_webconf.py", line 46, in <module>
    from lib.kit_config_handler import KitConfigHandler
  File "/home/pi/zynthian-webconf/lib/kit_config_handler.py", line 35, in <module>
    from lib.wiring_config_handler import WiringConfigHandler
  File "/home/pi/zynthian-webconf/lib/wiring_config_handler.py", line 32, in <module>
    from zynconf import CustomSwitchActionType, CustomUiAction, ZynSensorActionType
ImportError: cannot import name 'ZynSensorActionType' from 'zynconf' (/zynthian/zynthian-ui/zynconf/__init__.py)

Now doing:

cd ../zynconf
git pull

… which seems to do something with some files. After that:

root@zynthian:/zynthian/zynthian-webconf# /zynthian/zynthian-webconf/zynthian_webconf.sh
INFO:root:Wiring Layout MCP23017_ZynScreen
DEBUG:root:ZYNCODER A: [102, 105, 110, 113]
DEBUG:root:ZYNCODER B: [101, 104, 109, 112]
DEBUG:root:SWITCHES layout: [100, 103, 108, 111, 106, 107, 114, 115]
DEBUG:root:ENABLED_MIDI_OUT = ['ttymidi:MIDI_out']
DEBUG:root:MMC Bank Change CCNum: 32
DEBUG:root:MMC Bank Change UP: None
DEBUG:root:MMC Bank Change DOWN: None
DEBUG:root:MMC Program Change UP: None
DEBUG:root:MMC Program Change DOWN: None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./zynthian_webconf.py", line 46, in <module>
    from lib.kit_config_handler import KitConfigHandler
  File "/home/pi/zynthian-webconf/lib/kit_config_handler.py", line 35, in <module>
    from lib.wiring_config_handler import WiringConfigHandler
  File "/home/pi/zynthian-webconf/lib/wiring_config_handler.py", line 32, in <module>
    from zynconf import CustomSwitchActionType, CustomUiAction, ZynSensorActionType
ImportError: cannot import name 'ZynSensorActionType' from 'zynconf' (/zynthian/zynthian-ui/zynconf/__init__.py)
root@zynthian:/zynthian/zynthian-webconf# /zynthian/zynthian-webconf/zynthian_webconf.sh
INFO:zynthian_gui_config.<module>: ZYNTHIAN-UI CONFIG ...
INFO:zynthian_gui_config.<module>: Wiring Layout MCP23017_ZynScreen
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./zynthian_webconf.py", line 39, in <module>
    from lib.audio_config_handler import AudioConfigHandler
  File "/home/pi/zynthian-webconf/lib/audio_config_handler.py", line 32, in <module>
    from zyngine.zynthian_engine_mixer import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'zyngine.zynthian_engine_mixer'

Ok. I think I will stop here. A seamless update to the latest stable without burning a new image seems not to work (for me).

I sometimes (often) have these problems when updating and I think this happens when the update process does not secure that all repositories have use the matching commit. It would be very nice if this process would be optimized. I know that this is not an easy task, but currently the only solution to avoid update probrems is using the Windows-Update-Process: just install from scratch… :frowning:

Regards, Holger

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Hi @C0d3man - Although I am not @jofemodo or @riban I’m going to ask a question and suggest a solution. Of course, you can ignore it if you wish.

How far behind the current stable was your V4 unit before the update? I think update has problems with large gaps between versions, particularly when there have been major changes.

You might be better off loading the latest image to a fresh sd card, then updating it with any changes-settings that you’ve made. And hopefully you can save those from the old system.

Hi @tunagenes,

thanks for your fast answer.

I cannot say for sure how far, but I try to keep up with the releases. I have three Zynthians running and the “band” Zynthian-v4 is always the lates one - I try “never to touch a running system” :slight_smile:

This is the current state before updating:

Yes, for sure. But I thought the gap between my updates was not very big… sometimes I run into those problems even there are only small updates. For major releases I can understand that there may occure problems.

Yes - that’s the way I have to go nearly every 2nd update and that is frustrating with 3 Zynthians. As a precaution, I make a backup of the data via webconf, take a new SD and install the new software on it. I also like to keep the old one for a few days. As I said: for one Zynthian it’s fine, but with three it’s really exhausting.

I have just booted from the old SD card and am trying to make a backup via webconf. But it doesn’t work - the browser runs endlessly and doesn’t offer me anything to back up.

In addition, the variant with installing a new SD and importing the backup recently caused problems with Pianoteq, so I had to install PT again.

[EDIT] I just tried antoher browser for getting a backup before hard updating but backup says (after some seconds): 500: Internal Server Error. It’s getting frustrating. After two hours of spending time I end up with nothing - and I ONLY wanted to install the DYNAsAUR-808 and found a small bug:sob: :sob: :sob:

Ok, now it’s getting strange:

New fresh actual image: Update via webconf. Last message was “webconf is restarted” but no webconf was running anymore - also not after reboot.

Is there a problem with the current webconf?

Hi @C0d3man! Which image did you flash? Although the download might say “stable” the content of the zip has the date in the image title.

And I can report that webconf works with:

I updated just now the system starting from stable 2401, updated 2 day ago: update does not end and now after restarting webconf does not work

Any suggestion to fix it?

If the solution is to flash the OS which is the correct one to download :



2024-01-16-zynthianos-stable-2401.zip ?

yes, today installation of the latest stable version, software upgrade over webconfig and then zynthian.local - this web is not available

Hi @zynthianers!

You are right. There is an issue with the latest webconf update. A file was deleted by error. I tested but when commiting/pushing the changes, a file was deleted. Probably my fault. Sorry so much.

It’s now fixed, so you simply update and test.

Best regards!


It works. Thank you !

I can only do update via webconfig :slight_smile: so I…

update using ADMIN menu on Zynthian

Ops, well, I’m not very smart.
But I found where update_zynthian.sh is hiding and did it from the ssh terminal :slight_smile:

Hi @jofemodo

Now it works - also for my “band” Zynthian-v4.

Many thanks - you saved my sunday!!!
Thanks also to everyone who took part!

Regards, Holger