Uploading of gig files for Linuxsampler: bug?

The uploading of a gig file from Webconf causes Can’t install file: Destiny is not a GIG bank!
The same happens when I download from Search Musical Artifacts: …: Can’t install file: Destiny is not a GIG bank!

I tried to upload with WinSCP into /home/pi/zynthian-my-data/soundfonts
files are there but Linuxsample does not find them.

Workaround from *https://discourse.zynthian.org/t/zynthian-mellotron-fun/3562*:

  1. create a folder under /home/pi/zynthian-my-data/soundfonts/gig
  2. upload there the gif files

I will fix this ASAP. Thanks @piattica

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