Usb midi Launchkey not recognized

I connected a few MIDI keyboards to Zynthian kit v1, but they are not recognized.
When selecting a synth (zynaddsubfx etc) I can only pick a midi channel, none of them [1…16] work, but I don’t find the settings anywhere.
The midi keyboard device is recognized by the OS, when logging in using ssh:

root@zynthian:/home/pi/aconnect -i
client 0: ‘System’ [type=kernel]
0 'Timer ’
1 'Announce ’
client 14: ‘Midi Through’ [type=kernel]
0 ‘Midi Through Port-0’
client 20: ‘Launchkey Mini’ [type=kernel,card=1]
0 ‘Launchkey Mini MIDI 1’
1 ‘Launchkey Mini MIDI 2’

How can we enable usb midi and select the Launchkey?

I’m curious, why can’t Zynthian just list all midi devices and let you pick from a list (for example in the web GUI)? Obviously aconnect -i can do it…

Curious … I never found a MIDI/USB keyboard that doesn’t work with Zynthian.
Could you send the output of this command?

jack_lsp -c

You don’t need to select the keyboard because zynthian, normally, auto-connect ALL available keyboards & controllers.

P.S: Just for curiosity … how did you get this zynthian v1?

Amazingly it all started working now.
Perhaps the keyboard/mouse/HDMI connection had an impact? Or some of the randoms changes in settings I kept on trying made it work. I’ll report back if it happens again.

Purchased two Zynthian v1 kits from the ‘Zynthian Open Synth Platform’ back in Sep 2016,
they gathered dust for years. Dug them up and installed this image: first on rpi2 then swapped to rpi4.

Love all the improvements, midi and wav recording and various new synths!
Thanks for the help!

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Fantastic! Although i’m afraid that somebody could ask you for a :face_with_monocle:

Like me? :face_with_monocle:
Yes, yes, @erwincoumans, we would love to hear this ancient Zynthian!

Oops! I think I just stole @wyleu’s thunder. It’s the battlements for me… :scream: