V5 USB-C adapter: schematic or where to buy


Zynthian V5 has a very specific cable that connects RPi Type-C port to board’s USB Type-B. Where can I buy such an adapter or find its schematic/PCB/KiCad project to build it myself? I’ve downloaded zynthian-hw GitHub repo but still cannot find it. All I’ve found is its image on Wiki and outher users assembly videos. Unfortunately, there are no part numbers, clues or traceable pictures available :frowning:

Adapter’s image from Zynthian Wiki (attached):

Thanks for any advice!

You can find it in AliExpress.


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I see. That’s why I’m asking about a schematic, KiCad project or anything else that can help me make it myself.

Or what should I do if I need a replacement?

After digging deeper I think that the first reply has a typo — it should say “You can find” instead of “You can’t find” which makes much more sense now :smile:

Just to clarify and for anyone wondering:
This is a type of adapter that is used in FPV drones. I found it by searching for “fpv type c” on AliExpress and its type is literally called “USB-C1”.

And the FFC is just a generic 20p one-sided 0.5mm flat cable.

Please correct me if I’m wrong.

I could send you a replacement if you need one, but shipping costs would be higher than ordering to AliExpress.
Designing and manufacturing this part has no interest for me, so I prefer to buy it. Anyway, it’s a trivial design, so I’m not concerned. We could design and manufacture the part if it would be needed.



Ups!! Yes. It’s a typo. I fixed it :wink:
And yes, you are totally right regarding the connector.