Video Demo showing Zynthian's Multi-Timbral capabilities

Hi @Zynthianers!

I’ve recorded this small video demo showing the Zynthian’s Multi-Timbric capabilities:

I’ve created 5 layers assigned to different MIDI channels, like this:

  • CH#1: Vangelis PAD (ZynAddSubFX) => Solo
  • CH#2: Drums (ZaynAddSubFX)
  • CH#3: Analog Bass (ZynAddSubFX)
  • CH#4: Metal Drips (ZynAddSubFX)
  • CH#5: TR808 Drum Machine (LinuxSampler)

The keyboard is used for CH#1 and the Zaquencer for the rest. The audio is digitally recorded using the “record audio option” from the admin menu, so it’s HQ.

In fact, this video is a re-make of an older one that i made some time ago with very low sound quality :wink:
