VNC use over wifi

If you are attempting to use an Android phone or similar device to access the VNC on a zynthian then it is considerably more reactive and useable to join the zynthian to the phone running a hotspot than try to use the zynthian hotspot itself.

The display generally doesn’t reflect audio in the mixer using the zynthian hotspot.

Also another mention for the bonjour app as recommended by @Melsiar so you don’t need to muck about with ip addresses … still a lot of repeated password entry to get it all running . . .

I’m tend to make android link with the autoconnect=true&password=opensynth to make it easier to access.


Hello @wyleu, is there a keyboard key mapping for the marvelous VNC access? I also wanted to enter my super-safe Wifi password without luck, so I had to enter that on the Zynthian display.

There are default key bindings for zynthian which are documented in the old user guide. (We are yet to update the new guide with this info.) There are a few bindings there including for numeric keypads but the core binding is around 6 keys at the bottom right of a standard UK QWERTY keyboard that gives similar behaviour to the encoders and switches with similar layout to a V4 zynthian.

You can very simply remap keybindings from webconf INTERFACE->UI Key Binding. You can also use this as the definitive description of your current key binding.

You can create a web browser shortcut to webconf in the form:


You can replace zynthian.local with the hostname or IP address of your zynthian and replace opensynth with the zynthian’s root (webconf) password.



My Issue is kind of touching this topic at least regarding using the VNC over Wifi on a phone.
I had the idea to build a kind of “pocket Zynthian”.
Like having a RPi4+Hifiberry in a small case without a screen.
Maybe add an accu, to power it on the go.
Whatever, that’s an Idea and I was testing some, to use the UI via VNC on an Android.

Here’s my problem: Via VNC bold/long presses aren’t recognized.
So you cannot long-press on a pad in the sequenzer to open the pattern-editor.
And you cannot get straight to admin from mixer with a long-press on the top-bar.
And you cannot get to sequence from mixer with a bold-press.
And you cannot bold-press to get to chain option from the mixer.

Is it a phone-problem or is it anyhow configurable for VNC?

This is a phone issue. The phone OS interprets long presses for its own benefit. This renders VNC unusable.

Played a bit more with the phone and found out that it is possible to trigger the bold/log press by pressing on the position on the screen and the keep it pressed and swipe it a little.
That works, but it doesn’t feel like a touch-screen directly connected to the Zynthian.
But it’s not possible for me to adjust the note-length in the pattern editor.