
I am still not home but have regained remote access to my Zynthian so am trying some workflows.

I see that Tal-Vocoder-II has sound crafting in the form of oscillator waveform mixing, tuning, portamento, etc. I don’t see filtering of the carrier though. I am not sure how much of this will allow substantial customisation of the built-in sound generator.

There is an option to set the input mode to use the left input for the carrier (sound source) and right input as the modulation. (I observe that toggle inputs like input mode, polyphonic, etc. are not recognised as toggles in zynthian. That needs fixing.) Using this input mode it should be possible to vocode another synth voice but… zynthians audio routing makes this a little challenging, specifically its automatic mono / stereo routing - but there is a way to do it…

  • Add a synth chain with the sound you want to modulate (the carrier).
  • Add an audio chain.
  • Add a MIDI+Audio chain with Tal-Vocoder-II. (It is in the “Pitch” group.)
  • Use chain options to rename the audio chain, “Mic” (optional but useful).
  • Use chain options to rename the MIDI+Audio chain, “Vocoder” (optional but useful).
  • Use chain options to disconnect synth chain from “Main mixbus” and connect to “Vocoder” chain.
  • Use chain options to disconnect audio chain from “Main mixbus” and connect to “Vocoder” chain.
  • Use chain options to disconnect unused audio input to audio chain, leaving just the micrphone input.
  • Pan the synth chain hard left.
  • Pan the audio chain hard right.
  • Set vocoder Input Mode to full value (enables split input mode).

Simples! This should work. I will try when I get home.

[Edit] Yes - it works. We may want to simplify this workflow but for now, you can do it.