Volume control via Master Channel possible?

Newbie here, please forgive my ignorance. Kit v4.6 I get quite a bit of volume jumping around loading presets, and I seem to need to remap my expression pedal…not always but not infrequently.

I note that master channel was set to off in webconifig. I’m in stage mode.

I’ve seen various posts about configuring a “master volume”. I’m fine with using a cc slider, other than my expression pedal…How can I configure a control for the overall max volume, regardless of preset…I don’t mind if they are too quiet at first, but it would be nice to control without accessing mixer.

All suggestions and experiences welcome, thank you.

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@uhoh7 you can MIDI learn the main fader by:

  • access the mixer viewer
  • press LEARN twice
  • move the main fader
  • send a CC from the MIDI controller

The MIDI controller should then control the main mix fader, even when the mixer is not shown.


@riban how can I press LEARN? I not understand this step… is a button? thanks…

Depends if you have v4 or a v5. For v5 it’s pushing the knobs.


@Baggypants sorry, I don’t have kit… I have a RP4 with a screen, without button. I control everything by my Impulse 61… has a note that a can configure to send this command?

Yes, it works, I just solved it yesterday.

  1. Connect a keyboard to your RPi4
  2. jump into the mixer window
  3. use the < > keys to select which channel you want to set
  4. then briefly press the O key (if you have the standard Zynthian settings)
  5. green question marks will appear
  6. then you have to hold down SHIFT + CTRL and one of the < > keys / EDIT beter is touch on screen, the green ?? must change to yelow ??
  7. now turn the knob on your external midi controller and send a CC signal to the zynthian
  8. The yellow ?? will change to a yellow CC signal number
  9. repeat the step 3 for select/change of channel and steps 6 and 7 for assign of CC
  10. long press the K key and that will end the learning process
  11. EDIT: save snapshot

It’s easy, after 50 assignments it works by itself :slight_smile:

But do save the snapshot!