I discovered Zynthian when I was planning to try and do exactly what you are doing and I’m very happy to see this is a maturing project. Now I would love to get one of these boxes in some way. Is there a way I can order a kit, or maybe even a functional Zynthian? Is anyone building them for other people? I’m not exactly an experienced diy person and never done anything with Raspberry Pi so it would be interesting to know at what price I can buy one. If that is not possible I will give building it myself a shot, though. Got to start somewhere!
I didn’t get an answer here so far and of course I’m impatient so I’m looking into the materials needed to build a Zynthian myself. Confusion started pretty early: raspberry pi 2 or 3? I found two building descriptions that both have the Pi 2 as an ingredient but on the main website product specs say Raspberry Pi 3. If it will perform better I would prefer the better version, but if there is no building information available for this one it might be risky. Is there an updated version of the building instructions?