Hi, I’ve had my Zynthian v4.1 kit for a couple of months now and midi keep pausing, if I wait several seconds it may begin again. While it’s stopped no sound it transmitted, no midi signal indicated on the console meter.?
I’ve reset the unit several times, cleared all layers with only my MPK mini connected still the problem returns. Other symptoms are it hold on to the last note played until I reboot or use the ‘PANIC function’, midi doesn’t return until I reboot. Please advise.
Here’s what I seen in the UI log.
Jan 05 20:37:40 zynthian startx[494]: Jack::MidiBufferMixdown - invalid source buffer
Jan 05 20:39:13 zynthian startx[494]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!
Jan 05 21:34:27 zynthian startx[497]: ERROR:zynthian_engine_linuxsampler.lscp_send_single: FAILED lscp_send_single(LOAD INSTRUMENT ‘/zynthian/zynthian-data/soundfonts/sfz/Bass/Rickenbacker/bass_slap.sfz’ 0 0
Jan 05 21:34:27 zynthian startx[497]: ): [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
Thanks for the extremely quick reply! That’s interesting, I had a SanDisk Ultra 32Gb in there originally, and during troubleshooting swapped it for a SanDisk Ultra 16Gb, my impression is it got worst (maybe due to reduced buffer space?). Screenshot 2021-01-06 at 14.11.56|690x320
I’ve ordered a SanDisk Extreme 128G which will arrive later today, I’ll report back.
Thanks again.
Hi folks,
Can I have some help with this ongoing problem, still getting loads of 'zynthian startx[498]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN! Symptoms, midi pauses and after a few minutes it’ll return, or it’ll hold a note and I’m forced to use the PANIC function. Despite,
replacing my SanDisk Ultra with a SanDisk Extreme 64Gb.
Fresh install
Removing all and redefining several times my layer definitions.
I have three keyboards connected, Yamaha ND-32 USB midi ch1, MPK mini II USB midi ch6, Roland PC 160a midi6 midi IN, and SONUUS guitar synth (midi ch3, 5, 7and 9), I’ve removed the SONUUS out of the loop), issue still exists.
I’m loosing the faith, please advise.
this could be a power issue. Are the keyboards powered by the raspberry pi through the usb connection or are they self powered ?
Are youn using a strong power supply and a good usb-c power cable (official raspberry pi are known to be good) ?
Zynthian is from the official v4 kit using an ‘official’ raspberry pi 4 USB type C logo’d powered plug, but I will try another.
MPK mini is the only keyboard usb powered by the Zynthian, the rest are self powered (have there own PSUs).
I have tried reducing USB speed to 12 mb/s historically, but not since the rebuild with the extreme SDcard. I’m concerned its more fundamental than that, I’m at worst playing triads on one or two keyboards at a time and it will pausing
I will reduce USB speed in the morning and report back! Do you think I could have a hardware issue? They guy on YouTube with the sequencer and keyboard is pushing his zynthian much harder than I’m playing mine with a couple chords?
Finally, got somewhere, as suggested I tried slowing the midi down to 12Mb/s which made no difference. I swapped the PSU with another of the same type as supplied with my pi 400 and ‘BINGO’.
I was able to play for a few hours without interruption, well done to the guy who suggested it
The PSU’s are both the official pi supplies however, the one supplied with the Zynthian is a Euro two pin supply which I needed to add a 3-pin adapter for the UK socket, where as the replacement has a UK 3-pin plug, otherwise they are the same specification. I’ll try the original (with the 3 pin adapter) again to see if the issue returns
Have you got ant further advise on this topic, I have been silently suffering from this condition for months. I’ve spent loads of time troubleshooting incase it’s something I could resolve myself. Followed your recommendation (and more by using an SanDisk Extreme SD rather than the SanDisk Ultra I had before. I’ve even bought a 120Gb SSD and am booting from that with all this issues that causes, each update?). One suggestion suggested replacing the PSU, did that, still the same problem! Is there a diagnostic service you provide? I’ve now spent far too much on this device and all it brought is frustration, please help.
Still getting “Feb 19 23:14:43 zynthian startx[606]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!”.
Okay, thanks for the reply. I performed the following,
Removed all cables,
Burnt a fresh SD card with the latest stable image,
Connected Ethernet only, booted up and performed update,
Watched UI log for any “warnings”
After 17 minutes with no “warning messages”, I plugged in my AKIA MPK mini top USB3 port,
5b. began configuring a layer and noticed a red triangle warning on the console and a subsequent
review of the UI log shows, “WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio
Plug in my MPK mini into the bottom USB2 port, configure a layer and play for a few minutes, where I see no more “warnings”.
Plug in my DR-880 drum machine, play a sequence and this produces lots of,
“Feb 22 07:45:27 zynthian startx[21239]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!
Feb 22 07:45:27 zynthian startx[21239]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!
Feb 22 07:45:27 zynthian startx[21239]: Jack::MidiBufferMixdown - invalid source buffer
Feb 22 07:45:34 zynthian startx[21239]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!
Feb 22 07:45:34 zynthian startx[21239]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!
Feb 22 07:45:34 zynthian startx[21239]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!
Feb 22 07:45:34 zynthian startx[21239]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!
Feb 22 07:45:35 zynthian startx[21239]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!
Feb 22 07:45:36 zynthian startx[21239]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!
Feb 22 07:45:37 zynthian startx[21239]: WARNING:zynthian_autoconnect.cb_jack_xrun: Jack Audio XRUN!”
This suggests that my Zynthian is not rebust enough to accept midi at a throughput generated by a sequencer or fast keyboard playing, yet I see an example of it here, Zynthian Multi-timbric Demo with ZAQuencer - Feat. BBoy Zyndancer - YouTube
The worry is that the error was initally reproduced with my MPK mini on its own!!!
Some observations to try and help us troubleshoot.
Was the update from the web-ui, zynscreen gui or did you ssh in?
You mention that you play for a few minutes but not that you created a layer, Some engines do create a lot of xruns depending on the patch, notably Surge. (I saw before you were using linuxsampler though, which should be fine)
You also say you plugged in the DR-880, but not say where you plugged it in, or if you unplugged the MPK beforehand.