Waveshare display with ERROR in a continuous loop

Hello to all Zynthian professionals

Now I have replaced my display and have the following problem:

Without a sound card, the display shows the Zynthian logo and below
big red ERROR.
The display is a “Waveshare 3.5inch RPi LCD (B)”.
The same was also set in the webconfig.

If I then switch on the sound card, the Raspberry Pi 3B+ boots
until the display shows error and goes into a continuous loop.
The sound card is a HifiBerry Dac+.
The green LED on the sound card’s circuit board doesn’t light up either.

For counter testing, I used my old setup again
the display PI-TFT-2.8 resistive + the sound card
and everything works as it should.

What do I have to do or what am I doing wrong?

Happy Pentecost Greetings from Hamburg Peter

Thank you

Hi @D64FAN63 !

Obviously, it’s not a display issue if you can see the error message in the display.

I would bet it’s a soundcard problem.


This time I learned it :slight_smile:

as @jofemodo says this is audio settings related.

in webconf->hardware->audio-> open advanced view.
In jackd parameters replace




if it doesn’t work, please provide the UI logs you can get from webconf

Thanks, the line was already there.
And here are the web logs:

looks like you choose the wrong audio device.

Hello ,

Now I’ve gotten so far that the red ERROR
can no longer be seen, but the start screen is in one
is in a continuous loop.
It seems that “ALSA” is the problem but I have no idea what to do.
Thank you for reading.

Greetings Peter

As @le51 told you above, you should select the right audio driver config from the list. It seems you didn’t select the right one.


I changed the driver and still the same problem. But I know that the sound card works perfectly with my smaller display. The problem only occurs in combination with the Waveshare display. Greetings

It could be that the waveshare display is colliding with the hifiberry soundcard. You should check the pins used by each device. If there are pin overlaps, there is little you can do and probably you have to look for a replacement.


OK, thanks, I’ll do that. Greetings

For general information, I found this out:
The (GPIO18) is not used by your display for “tail light” or “guided” control as this pin is required by every DAC board on the market.
Well, I ordered another display. Greetings Peter