Way to bulk update the master volume across multiple sub-snapshots?

I setup a large number of sub-snapshots, each set with the master volume at 100%. I am now hoping to do some bulk edits to these snapshots to set the master volume to 70%, as well as setting up other chain mixer levels. Is it safe to edit the snapshot zss file directly and then upload that over the existing snapshot? Or should I only make edits within the Zynthian UI?

The snapshot file is in standard JSON format. The specification is defined here. You may edit the files manually and upload. Of course, save a copy as a backup before starting, incase you make a mistake.


Perhaps you find useful the restore options, from the subsnapshot (zs3) contextual menu. Bold click on any subsnapshot.


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Thanks @riban and @jofemodo, much appreciated! I will try out editing the downloaded file and restoring it to an unused snapshot location to see if this all works. I’m assuming that “pretty-print” formatting the JSON shouldn’t affect anything?