So since the last couple of updates, the web config page for Snapshots does not work fully! You cannot rename etc… See below.
Please fix @jofemodo
So since the last couple of updates, the web config page for Snapshots does not work fully! You cannot rename etc… See below.
Please fix @jofemodo
Sorry, @andycallaby!
I can’t find any error on, my side. Perhaps it’s some “strange” character. If you send the “original” name and the “destiny” name, i could try to reproduce the issue.
BTW, Why not uploading a PNG or JPG for the screenshot, my friend? Tiff format is not well suited for uploading to a forum … 4MB for an almost empty screenshot!!!
The best!
Sorry, uploaded as jpeg.
Made a screen recording of what happens. Not 100% sure what you mean by the name. I used the same url?
Sorry, i can’t extract any useful information from this video.
It seems that nothing is shown when accessing the webconf.
Please, restart your zynthian, access from the terminal and send the webconf log:
journalctl -u zynthian-webconf
when accessing the webconf’s snapshot page.
Sorry I’m not super technical. How do I do the terminal bit please?
Ups! … better don’t try then
Could you see your snapshots from the Zynthian UI?
Could you copy the snapshot’s names ? I suspect that some strange character is breaking things …
lib-snapshot (526.4 KB)
Or this?
No sorry, this doesn’t help. It’s not the browser terminal what i’m talking about
But if you love challenges, then read the wiki section about accessing zynthian using the remote terminal:
Anyway, if you could copy your list of snapshots (the full names as they are shown in the UI), it could help to solve the issue.
This helps a lot … let me do some dark spell with my fingers
But my friend, i need the webconf’s log, not the UI’s log. Please, execute this from the terminal:
journalctl -u zynthian-webconf -f
And then, try to access the webconf->snapshots page from the browser. The error log will be printer on the terminal and the true about the bug will be revealed …
– Logs begin at Wed 2020-08-12 12:23:44 BST. –
Aug 12 12:23:45 zynthian systemd[1]: Started Zynthian Webconf.
Aug 12 12:23:50 zynthian[372]: ERROR:root:Failed to configure geometry => no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
Aug 12 18:57:40 zynthian[372]: find: ‘/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/presets/puredata//’: No such file or directory
Aug 12 18:57:41 zynthian[372]: ERROR:root:Can’t get info for ‘/media/usb0’ => Command ‘mountpoint ‘/media/usb0’’ returned non-zero exit status 1.
I hope I’m not stepping on your toes @jofemodo, but thought I’d suggest @andycallaby could run find /zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/
as well and provide that output. If the special char is only causing a rendering problem client-side, it may not show up in the webconf logs.
@andycallaby, did you try to access the snapshot panel after executing the journalctl command? I can’t see the corresponding log lines …
@sehrgut, i rather prefer the webconf log. I was testing with strange characters and it doesn’t seem to be the problem …
Hi @jofemodo. I tried running the command and it did not update after I went to the snapshot page.
This is what it said after I entered it.
– Logs begin at Wed 2020-08-12 19:12:21 BST. –
Aug 12 19:12:22 zynthian systemd[1]: Started Zynthian Webconf.
Aug 12 19:12:27 zynthian[374]: ERROR:root:Failed to configure geometry => no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
Tried again after a restart and got this which updated after I went to snapshots
– Logs begin at Wed 2020-08-12 19:12:21 BST. –
Aug 12 19:12:22 zynthian systemd[1]: Started Zynthian Webconf.
Aug 12 19:12:27 zynthian[374]: ERROR:root:Failed to configure geometry => no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
Aug 13 09:41:48 zynthian[374]: find: ‘/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/presets/puredata//’: No such file or directory
Aug 13 09:41:48 zynthian[374]: ERROR:root:Can’t get info for ‘/media/usb0’ => Command ‘mountpoint ‘/media/usb0’’ returned non-zero exit status 1.
still not sure if this helps.
@sehrgut This is what I got when I entered your command…
root@zynthian:~# find /zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/003/002-JV>Gain 2x2.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/003/003-JV>Gain 2x2.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/003/001-ZY > Bass>Bass 3 analog .zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/003-70’s Synth.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/007-JV>Fluid Chromatic Percussion > Default.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/013-JV>Gain 2x2.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/012-JV>Obxd > StevenGrace>Fat Moog Bazz.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/008-LS > SFZ>Synths>Hard Rub.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/001-Guitar Space.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/009-JV>Obxd > StevenGrace>Fat Moog Bazz.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/011-JV>Obxd > StevenGrace>Fat Moog Bazz.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/010-JV>Obxd > StevenGrace>Fat Moog Bazz.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/004-MULTI Boom.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/005-Dream World.zss
/zynthian/zynthian-my-data/snapshots/000/006-ZY > Bass>Bass 3 analog .zss
It’s exactly the same you already sent. You have to provoke the error after running the command.