Which display should I choose?

Hello folks,

I am new here and found the Zynthian a few days before. Since then I’ve been reading about it for hours in the forum and on the internet.
I want to build myself a Zynthian now :slight_smile:
Because I bring some experience with Raspberry PI (and also other things like Arduino, IOT,…) I would like to optimize some things immediately for me.
The first would be a larger display. I’ve read here that some 5" or even 7" displays are built in.
The question now is, what makes sense at all? Is a larger display only better because it is easier to read or does it have other advantages?
The second question is which display is also easy to install and configure. Can I simply replace the Disply in a Kit v2 or do I have to connect it differently?
I found these displays here. Are they suitable and easy to connect?

I think that’s enough for today. I will certainly have more questions :wink:

Best regards


As it is HDMI and USB, the installation should be easy. Just a click in the webconf.
It’s not the size that makes the difference between 5 and 7" in that offer.
I would definitely choose capacitive touch.
Resistive doesn’t allow multi touch. Although it is not really integrated into Raspian right noe, i bet it will be in a couple of years.

I chose a capacitive 5" from waveshare, btw.

Thank you mheidt for quick replay.

I think this is the one you mean: 5 inch display waveshare model h

Or should I prefer to use a 7 inch display? It only costs slightly more than the 5 inch.

The screen sets much of the layout of a case and it’s important to consider how you will mount it.the 7" standard raspberry PI touchscreen look great but mounting the encoders round them require access to technologies that can manage decent 90 degree engineering and flat handling of thin materials. Also the positioning of the pi near them leads to all sorts of compromise in position.

As @wyleu said. Did you consider the mounting?
I haven’t had the space for 7 in my master keyboard. There is the hdmi cable and the usb one. Something you forget easily.
Of course esp. for touch , the bigger the better…if you have big hands :slight_smile:

@wyleu: but the standard raspberry PI display is resistive touch, isn’t it?
You are right. The top of the case must be more stable at large displays. I plan to design my own case and print it with my 3d printer. Printing size is 21x21 cm.

@mheidt: I know that I have to turn the Raspi 90° in the case to connect the display to HDMI and USB.
You’re right, I haven’t thought about it yet, that I also need space on the display for the plugs…
Is there a way to connect the display via the GPIO pins or is the only way HDMI?

I think I will buy the 5 inch display. This is the best compromise in terms of cost, readability, and housing size.

No GPIO. HDMI for the picture and USB for the touch.

What I notice when looking for the parts: What about the GPIO expander? Do I need it if I connect the display via HDMI and USB?

I guess, you mean the AllinOne-Board and not a 3rd party expander?
You need it for the Zynthian experience, but a HDMI display is not connected to it.

Yes I mean the All-in-One Board. Ok I will connect the display to HDMI and the touch to the micro-USB of the raspi.

But that brings me to another question. When I connect the display to the micro-USB (and I have to take this one because it will be the only USB inside of my case), how do I power the raspi?

The microUSB at the Raspi is power only.
You connect one of the 4 normal USB and the microUSB of your display.
The cable should be delivered with the screen. If not, you know where the anonymous screens save the money.

This makes it involved if you want to have usb sockets available for ‘internal to your case’ issues and also offer them as external sockets.

@mheidt: But the 4 normal USB are on the outside of the case… the microUSB is inside the case?

I had mine inside and used Neutrik adapters to get one and ethernet outside.

what about the option to desolder 2 of the 4 USB, solder cables on it and place the USB connector whereever you want in the case. Found someone who did it:
replacing USB on raspberry pi

Option 2: desolder 2 of the 4 USB and solder this one:
turn usb 90°

Not something I’d try as I tend to move pis around for all kinds of reasons and as soon as you change something like that you loose a lot of cheap simple infrastructure. I use simple plastic cases for pi’s because I’ve done enough desk top electrical work and have lost many many hours to dodgy connectors and badly supported plugs and sockets and yes I know my most recent effort has three trailing midi sockets. It is at least a step up from them directly soldered to veroboard as has often been done it the past.

I will probably shift to the official case in the future simply to accommodate the screens nicely.


Hi Folks,

this weekend I will start to build my Zynthian with the 5 inch display from waveshares. Its with capacitive touch connected to USB and picture to HDMI. How do I have to configure this display? Can I configure it with web config or do i have to do something else?

Solved. The display is selectable in the web config. This tool is really great and helpfull!


hi guys, i’m getting the hardware and i wish to ask for this:

i have a 3.5 touchscreen but cannot solve the swap axis problem.
this hardware will hace some troubles?

Hi @SergiofBeltra, welcome to our community. Have you tried running screen calibration from the admin menu?

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