After a lot of feedback, critical sounds and a lot of work finally Zynthian power in my grasp.
Let’s recap, for the sharing is caring sake of argument.
As you know I built the Zynthian hardware in a custom made box. I turned out I needed a heatsink, which is now connected to an outside heatsink to dissipate and transfer the heat.
Next connecting the equipment. My setup now is as follows
Use a Novation Launchkey 61 keyboard. What I like about the keyboard is the 8 knobs, 9 sliders and 9 knobs. Futhermore it has buttons for looping, recording, starting, stopping and ffwd/rwnd.
Since the keyboard spits out midi commands that do not correspond to rosegarden control, qmidiroute was needed to translate the messages. We needed to translate no less than 18 midi messages to have proper control.
With the script at, cloned in Zynthian you can generate the rosegarden generated.rg file that contains all the ZY and FS banks and instruments in Zynthian. Just try it with the latest pushed version. It works great. Was thinking to create a video of it. Really nice to see a picked bank and Program in Rosegarden, auto changing in Zynthian. Love it !
As you know I needed the latest Zynthian midi_bank_change fork, due to the missing MSB/LSB functionality. Currently I use my code version:, but @Jose fixed the code as well, though did not test the latest yet, since the Friday version did not yet work for us.
Midi channel 16 control, e.g. to remotely load the corresponding Snapshot is not used yet. In fact I am afraid that I will find a lot of new bugs and I first want to enjoy a working system that fits my open source composing needs. We need a DAW to do composing.
Hence, in the coming weeks we will use Zynthian. I really hope that my earlier feedback is not perceived as criticism. I still believe that Zynthian can be a Gamechanger for the traditional Synthesizer market. 35 Synthesizers in a small box is amazing. It just needs to improved robustness and some Steve Jobs blend: more marketing power and better estetics.