I am thinking about getting a Zynthian V5.1 to use it mainly as a multitrack audio recorder and midi sequencer.
I will be replacing my 8-track digital audio recorder Boss BR-800. I’m looking forward to more tracks and midi sequencing.
Is the Z5.1 viable for this usage?
My question is
can it do this?
is it reasonably user friendly?
I’m not looking to do a lot of detailed editing - then I would rather be using a PC and a DAW - just mostly recording audio and midi on multiple tracks and playing it back.
Thanks for the great answer!
Well, I did want to have audio and midi mixed - like a mini-daw. But I imagine I can do with it for. After all, my current device also only does audio. But +1 for adding something like that.
Damn! My lengthy and detailed response for lost, but basically I was warming that zynthian’s can track live audio recording but has very limited (pretty much none) editing facilities. You cannot drop-in or bounce tracks. You just get a multitrack (all stereo tracks) recording that you must edit externally.