Hello there…
We all have our favorite VST plugins, I know…
What I don’t know is how they can be used on, or adapted for, Zynthian…
What I seem to understand is that we cannot simply install them on Zynthian SDcard and run it…
So… I was wondering, concerning U-He Zebralette, if it could be possible to have it on Zynthian… They already share the same initial, are they not made to spend some time together ??
Have a nice time…
I had a message from Viktor, of the U-He team, concerning adapting Zebralette to Zynthian…
Clearly, he would not be the one making the transfert… And I know nothing about programming…
(info : you won’t see Zebralette appear in the list, because it is hidden behind her bigger brother Zebra2… Zebralette is offered in the Zebra2 pack… Even if it works independantly…)
"Hello Thierry,
thank you for your kind words
Since Zynthian is Linux based, maybe the Linux version of the plugin could work.
You’ll find it here in this thread:
Feel free to let me know if you managed to get it to work!
u-he team"
I don’t think we can use the linux version because it will be compiled for Intel/AMD CPUs, not for RBPi/ARM.
I see… Just like you, I don’t suppose it’s been compiled for Pi…
And also, I don’t suppose he would share the code…
Anyway, I will mail him your answer and see…
Thanx fior answering…
Haha, I understand this… really - I made some small ports, especially the Dexed port from JUCE to LV2. That’s really not much fun and much experimenting and you need much understanding of the source code. With the source code this is possible - but the question is: in what time . And I don’t think u-he will make their sources open-source?
Regards, Holger
Hello Holger…
and hello everyone…
I just mailed Viktor, quoting Jose’s answer about Intel/AMD and RBPI comilation…
Viktor’s answer had been :
"Hello Thierry,
I’ll ask the developers next week, but if that’s the case, then I think I can’t help you
with this. We don’t have a Linux developer in-house, so in order to invest any further
work into this, we’d have to pay someone, and that’s not cheap.
I’ll get back to you when I have a reply.
u-he team"
'By “if that’s the case”, he means “if it happens that Zebralette has never been compiled for Pi”)
I know nothing about compiling, but I’m not sure that would be the hard part of the work… Maybe… But I believe it’s nothing compared to adapting…
And adapting would also include chosing which of the controls would appear on Zynthian’s screen, tweakable with Zynthian’s encoders, being able to read and translate those encoders moves into orders that Zebralette could understand and obey…
I guess this would be a hard job…
On computers, Zebralette is also able to “learn midi”… I guess this is saved with the preset… I should verify… This also might be a difficult task to translate into Zynthian… Don’t know…
What I know is that this litttle synth is powerful, and so user-friendly… I “entered” into it so easily, found my marks right from the beginning… That counts…
I still did not truly make-friend with ZynAddSubFX…
Would U-He make the code “open-source” ??
Well, what we need is not a true “open source”, I mean, not to be open to anyone in the world… Just to one person who in which they would be confident, not to spread the code…
And what would be U-He’s benefit, in the end… Zebralette is free, they made it free purposely to attract people to her bigger brother, Zebra2 (and forthcoming Zebra3), which is not free… The more Zebralette would be present in people’s mind, the more Zebra2 they would sell… Adapting Zebralette on Zynthian might be a good promoting action… They might be sensitive to that point…
(Adapting Zebra2 or 3 seems to be another hard task, because of its modular architecture, but who knows ??)
But as you said… Adapting would take time, and unfortunately, my little knowledge in Basic language will not be of any help… So I would not be the one making it…
Thanx Jose and Holger for your answers…
Have a good night…
Maybe. A softsynth has different modules: sound engine, GUI, configuration/settings, audio compatibility layer (like VST, AU, LV2, JUCE) . For using inside MOD-UI you only need the engine and perhaps some parts of the configuration. The rest can be dropped.
… and now the complexity of a project starts For native LV2 you don’t need a GUI (I took Dexed, dropped of all GUI and JUCE code, took the engine and wrote a LV2 wrapper around - it’s so easy ). If you want the nice user-friendly GUI and the original has not a compatible toolkit you have to port this also. This has absolutely nothing in common with the sound engine - so you already have two projects
If you need to have a NDA for the sources you are on “your” own to port such a thing. Open-Source would make this much more easier to get help from others…
Ahh - i forgot: Even it is the “small” version of a bigger synth: This does not mean to work without drops on Raspi/ARM. Perhaps you have to optimize some code. Or the code is too complex for a little Raspi… - you don’t know before…
Regards, Holger