Anyone have success building a Zynth on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2w?
I’ve tried a few different micro SD cards, but the install seems to be “stuck”, in that
I only see the splash screen for Zynthian Oram, and the green light on the Zero 2w flashes on/off ever 500ms. The message “Building Zyncore. Please wait…” is on the flash screen.
I am using:
PNY 128GB PRO Elite Prime C10 U3 V30 A2 microSDXC Flash Memory Card for my micro SD.
I used the SD formatting tool from the SD association at,
as I’ve had more success with this software for my other Pi and Arduino projects.
I used the official raspberry pi imager, selecting the Zero 2w as the device.
There was an option to include my WIFI credentials, which I did, and have verified that they are correct.
I only have a power adapter (connected to the correct power port), and an HDMI cable attached to a monitor. This is how I can see the splash screen.
It would be nice if this was more verbose, or if there was a way to enable a verbose version of the install. I’ve attempted both puTTy and zynthian.local, but have not been able to SSH into the device. Is there a way to look at the logs if I take out the SD card and read it from my desktop pc?
Should I try an earlier version of Zynthian?
(If so, where can I find them?)
Ultimately, is this not a recommended piece of hardware to use with Zynthian OS,
Is this a good learning opportunity?
The goal was a “Pocket Zynth” for use with a single instrument at a time, controlled over VNC to change settings/patches/LV2’s, using a USB midi controller.
If this is not a recommended course, then I can just clone my “Shadow Synth” setup on my other Zero 2w, which is working fine with basic soundfonts.
But if the experts here agree that this is in fact a worthwhile pursuit, I will happily help in any way possible!!
Thank you all again so much, this is an amazing community!!!