ZS3 stops the sound [SOLVED!]

Good afternoon!
Such a task. To perform, it is necessary for ZS3 to save and load the settings of certain instruments (for example, change the preset), while other instruments remain untouched. Is this possible?
Now any loading of ZS3, even without changes, causes the sound to stop on all instruments. Even if you disable all the checkboxes in the ZS3 options, the download still causes the sound to stop on all instruments. As a result, I have to stop the sound completely between scenes, violating the integrity of the composition. Is there any way to avoid stopping the sound? It is necessary that one instrument continues to sound, while the other loads a new preset. Thank you in advance for your advice.

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Switching z3s also stops zsampler audio playing, so you can not switch instrument settings while playing with backing track.

Hi @Absov!

This should not happen but we can test to see if there has been a regression. To be sure of your issue, we need more detail. May I confirm:

  • You are using the latest Oram, fully updated.
  • Add 2 instrument chains
  • Add a ZS3 that changes the preset or parameter of one chain
  • Play sounds on the other chain whilst recalling the ZS3

Yes, I did exactly that kind of experience. Both instruments stop playing, regardless of where the changes are. Even without changes. I have updated the software. I also attach a video just in case:


Zynthian ZS3 problem

The video is excellent and I fully understand the problem and can reproduce it. Interestingly it does not interrupt MDA JX10 sustained note but it does interrupt Pianoteq sustained note.

Will you please use webconf “Report Issue” button to add this detail to the issue tracker? I know you have put it here and I have replicated it on my V4 but the issue tracker is how we track bugs like this so it is more likely to be resolved if it is in there. It also allows us to track who reported the issue so that we can easily query for more detail. The forum tends to be transitory and stuff get lost in the volume of posts.

Good evening! I added detail to the issue tracker:


It’s solved now. Please update and test.



Good afternoon! Yes, thanks. Everything is working fine now.
But another problem has arisen, now the “Restore options…” dialog does not open in the ZS3 preset settings. And it is impossible to exit the dialog when trying to open this menu.

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I have fixed the issue breaking ZS3 Restore options. Update to get the fix.

I haven’t figured out what is causing it. It happens when there are no chains detected in the restore list. I wonder if the ZS3 format changed in the recent changes @jofemodo that break old ZS3? Adding a new ZS3 works but old ZS3 seem to be lacking their chains in the options menu.

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It’s fully solved now. Now it works with saved ZS3s and new ones :wink:

Update and test!


Thanks, now everything switches smoothly, without clicks and distortions, as we would like. Of course, heavy presets have to be loaded in advance and just mutate or change the range using ZS3, because when loading heavy presets, it is clear that there will be an overload of the system and artifacts. But there’s nothing you can do about it.

Video of the test set: