Zynaptik Expander Kit available on zynthian shop

Turned on the zynaptik module and now the zynth wont start.

It’s a clean updated install of the latest build . .

Jan 23 10:59:33 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: File “/home/pi/zynthian-ui/zyngui/zynthian_gui_layer.py”, line 1234, in load_snapshot
Jan 23 10:59:33 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: self.zyngui.set_curlayer(self.layers[self.index])
Jan 23 10:59:33 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: File “./zynthian_gui.py”, line 562, in set_curlayer
Jan 23 10:59:33 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: self.set_active_channel()
Jan 23 10:59:33 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: File “./zynthian_gui.py”, line 585, in set_active_channel
Jan 23 10:59:33 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: cur_active_chan = lib_zyncoder.get_midi_active_chan()
Jan 23 10:59:33 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get_midi_active_chan’
Jan 23 10:59:33 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: ERROR:zynthian_gui.init_midi: ERROR initializing MIDI : ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘set_midi_filter_tuning_freq’
Jan 23 10:59:34 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: Can’t init zyncoder library: /home/pi/zyncoder/build/libzyncoder.so: undefined symbol: zyncoder_mcp23017_ISR
Jan 23 10:59:34 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: zynseq: Jack samplerate: 44100
Jan 23 10:59:34 zynthian-pedal startx[10398]: zynseq: Jack buffer size: 256

Try selecting wiring other than dummies.

Try rebuilding the zyncoder library.

Tried custom. No difference.

rm /zynthian/zyncoder/build/luibzyncoder.so

Bebuilt the library but the zynth is now stone dead no ssh no display no raspi startup.

IT has got 5V…

Got it started up without the zynaptik option selected with a new build

Damn!! caught the Type C cable with my leg and have damaged the Type C power socket on the Pi 4 in pedal board …


Damn! I did similar with my headphone cable earlier today but luckily it came out without (noticable) damage.

Ironically it’s the PI I soldered a couple of cables to TP1 & socket ground to power the Pi from something more rugged and I was testing that bit when I caught it…

I will photograph it at some point, when I’m less cross, to provide amusement and low humour in the cheap seats.

I will then be sadly, and with much regret, ( Yeah right) lead the worst offenders to the battlements for flight appraisal . . .


Ok. Pi Replaced and zynaptik wired up ( messily) …

It starts up now I’ve added the Switch numbers into the switch section. So that’s that problem nailed…

I’ve used stereo jacks for the cv in’s with Tip to AD in & ring connected to 5V. AS this is what my Roland CV pedals offer…

This is a problem when plugging pedals in and out as the 5V line seems to get shorted during the process and this is not appreciated by the system in general.

Any suggestions for passifying this that doesn’t involve a big notice in several languages saying connect & disconnect when not powered which isn’t really an acceptable solution . . . ?

And before anybody considers the option of flying lessons from the castle battlements, yes I do know one of the sockets is slightly out of line… :crazy_face:

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JUst updated and I’ve got this back again …

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So I built a thingy . . . .

here it is in the limelight . .

and backstage . . .

Aligning the A Digital Port as inputs and the LED’s with appropriate slugging resistors to the B Port.

Now this is probably the nastiest bit of construction ever to creep out of wyleu towers in some considerable time. You will not be seeing the back of this…
, and also an infuriating time fighting instantly failing Yellow LED’s.
I’ve given up on replacing them, so good thing it’s only a test rig.

The first observation is that if we are standardising here we need to declare switch’s going to 0 as on and open circuit ( High) as off…

This is the other way round from the ports viewed as inputs, if you were doing this as an sink for digital data from another device.
So we become a Synth world that triggers on the negative going edge. :smiley:

Thee big advantage of this is we don’t need to transport +5V to the panels, like the pedal interface on the AD inputs, only 0V’s and there are plenty of those on the connector.

The opposite dilemma is presented on out.

To only provide a 0V feed to the LED we would need to have Logic True, On being +V so we have an inversion some where to perform for hardware convenience . .

Bloody Yellow LED’s . . . :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


All these words and pictures, but you don’t give yourself a :face_with_monocle:


Well if it wasn’t stuck on a stand at waist level and if I had the ability to operate the parameters & lists via the touchscreen and configure the pedal board I would … :smiley:

I’m watching you Broccoli . . . :person_in_lotus_position:

I reckon at your frame rate, I’m probably safe :upside_down_face:

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I like your thingy.

You should hear how it sounds :black_joker::sob::face_with_monocle:

OK so in trying out another Touchscreen + Pi4 build. I made a quick zynth with a Yeti Mic… meet zynthian-touch.local


It would appear you need to lie about having a zynthian 23017 to enable the zynaptik if you don’t have encoders or such stuff…

Significantly, this was a radio fix, so I may have made the sequencer skip a beat . . .

This must demand a :face_with_monocle:!

Sequencer is currently missing all the beats… I think I need a defibrillator :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Sheepishly shuffles off in direction of the lower basement carrying a guitar & a foot pedal muttering feverishly with the words “Clacton”, “Southend” and “small to medium yield thermonuclear device” . . . .

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So here we go, working from an effects pedal plugged into the zynaptik’s board and routed to the GxWahwah control with far too much ZynEcho is MDA Ambience serving up a 12 string acoustic…

Probably more kit than the Beatles used on their first three LPs :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Found using the touchscreen to allocate & de-allocate the pedal control to parameters really intuitive… . .


Nice atmosphere, compadre! :wink:

BTW, i just patched the zyncoder library for not having to lie about your wiring hardware. Now it should work with “dummies” selected, although it’s still not possible to use zynaptik with MCP23008 or encoders directly connected to RBPi GPIO.
