ZynFace KIT

Where can I find a good building instruction for the ZynFace KIT
Whit the Zynthian Kit v4.5?

Thanks in advance!

Sorry @Lol !

There is not such a tutorial. My fault. I hadn’t time to make the photos and write it. Anyway, soldering the ZynFace PCB is not difficult at all. Most of parts, if not all, are simple TH connectors. The only part that need some attention are the “TOF sensors”. Please, don’t hesitate to ask any doubt and if you have some time, consider writing a little tutorial. I would give you access to the wiki :wink:


If you can join one of our zynthclub meetings, I can try to show you how I built mine on camera and talk you through a few points… But @jofemodo is right. It is reasonably simple (I cut my TOF sensors off though… They may have been the hard bits lmao)