ZynGate functioning well

I just wanted to comment on how well the ZynGate hardware is working. It’s a great feature.

Two days ago I was removing the SD card, and, as usual, I dropped it into the Zynternals. For a few seconds I could hear it as I rattled the case, then nothing. After an extensive search of my surroundings, and after pulling the case apart I concluded that it had fallen into the maw of the ZynGate and had been transported to one of the many other ZynGates dotted around the globe.

I was wondering if everyone could check and see if something is rattling inside their unit. If so, it’s likely to be my SD card - could you email the contents back to me? There was some code I really wanted.

I hadn’t realised that the ZynGate must have battery backup - it still functions after you disconnect the power. So many undocumented features!
