Zynseq - A native step sequencer

I’ve been playing with the sequencer more, and I have some observations (and another :face_with_monocle:).

Three On Three, by Jtunes

1#LS>SFZ/Drum Machines/Roland TR909
3#JV/Helm>None/SF Brass_Portamento
5#JV/Noize Mak3r>None/FX S-chained rise 4 s/l


  • With all these tracks playing, I’m starting to get clicks in the recording. I do have the audio output on my Zynth set to RBPi Onboard Audio currently. That might make a difference, but I’ll have to test that more.
  • The synchronized clip start feature will occasionally sync tracks out-of-phase (if that makes any sense). It actually happened in my demo at 0:53.
  • The Save function doesn’t yet save the pad modes, but it probably should. Do we have specs for a .zynsong format yet?

Keep it up @riban!!!


I am aware of sync issues which are improved in the version I am working on.
The file format is documented in a document in the source code however that is changing with next release.
Pad configuration will be more complete in next version. Things are changing significantly there. I need to iron out some issues but am eager to get this out because it implements the core functionality and will allow documentation and users to start using it properly.


Woaooo! Great track!! Is it the first zynthstep “full” track ever published?

The on-board audio is a crap … I’m pretty sure it will improvea lot with a decent i2C soundcard.


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I guess what I want/need is a soundcard with a headphone jack. Maybe this?

It seems a very good option if you want a headphones output …

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Had another play with the sequencer last night and it is getting better all the time. Liking that I can use the pads now, and I know you have plans @riban, so I will save my feature requests for jitsi chat. One puzzle that comes to mind though… I wonder if there is a sampler on zynthian that could stretch a .wav loop to match the midi loop timings?


Hi @zynthianers!

I just created a section in the Wiki’s Sound Demos for tracks created with the StepSequencer:



@Jtunes, could you test your latest sequences with a decent soundcard? I would like to know the origin of the XRuns you got. Could you send me your “patterns” file so i can test in one of my zynthians?


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I started the ELP sequence from KarnEvil 9 Part 3, using the touchscreen & a stylus
Actually was fairly easy to build as it went along. . .

I will render the sound of this when I can gt to the zynth that’s playing it to put it into record … . :smiley:

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Hi everyone, I tried this sound card. When you play the keyboard, clicks are heard when you press keys.

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Karnevil 9 ?? Never would I spend time on this 24beats sequence… not a single second… eh eh…

And btw… I loved my MC202, when I had one…


Now that step sequencer is merged into master, you can get your (relatively) stable kicks in the mainstream. I have been hard at work breaking it behind the scenes (you gotta break eggs…) and need to push some of these changes to the feature/stepseq branch (so that I don’t lose it all when the cat eats the μSD). This is likely to break things and certainly make things work differently. Please switch back to master to continue normal service. If you want to cut yourself on the bleeding edge updates then watch this space and I will try to describe the updates but for now, expect it to be a bit wonky.



Smells like something is baked in the kitchen. :moon_cake:

And never… NEVER… in my whole life… would I program my Arturia Beatstep to feed microDexed with this 12 notelets sequence, no no !!

(@C0d3man : Missing autopan, don’t you think so ??? eh eh… Kidding is life…)


Ha! Wait until tempo map and control sequencing is added to Zynthian step sequencer… they are on their way!


Ah ah… but I did it all manually… one hand on the Play button, one hand on the rate knob, one hand on the modwheel, one hand on microDexed’s encoder, one hand holding a cigarette, one hand a cup of tea, and finally one hand one the Stop button…


So what were you doing with your other hand :grin:.

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Oh… it’s a sad story… I lost it in WWI… :wink:


@wyleu any chance to hear your Zynthian rendition ? I’m sure I’d love to…

I have added documentation to the wiki. This describes how the current (feature/stepseq branch) version should work. Please use this as the basis of your use and issue reports. I am (painfully) aware that some functionality is flawed. It may not work as described, may not work at all or may be buggy. It may also have suboptimal workflow. By writing this documentation I hope to clarify the design principals and general intended use which will inform all of our approaches to using and modifying the module. I am still working through many issues (bugs and design changes) but of course, I am delighted / happy / vaguely interested in your feedback. Do please read the docs to understand what I am trying to do.

@jofemodo This documentation is longer than anything else on that user guide page. Are you happy for it to sit there or do you want to move it to its own page? (I think it fits within the main documentation.)

Question for class: When using an external MIDI controller to trigger ZynPad sequences, should we use consecutive white notes only, e.g. C4, D4, E4, etc. rather than consecutive notes, e.g. C4, C#4, D4, etc? This is what I have documented because although it feels less logical it feels more user friendly. Most pads can be configured to whatever notes you want but playing from a keyboard it might seem odd to have to go white, black white, etc. Note: This functionality is not yet implemented!