ZynSeq Workflow

Situation: Trying to use Zynseq as an ableton style clip launcher. I am unable to find the following things readily accessible to record multiple patterns across different midi channels

  1. Midi recording with a pre count and input quantization in the piano roll editor: zynseq guide says long press select to view piano roll but there is no such button as I am not using the retail zynthian hardware. Would be great if theres a way of midi overdubbing patterns to build tracks this way. Currently have only been able to find the midi recorder in the main menu and zynseq requires me to manually enter and arrange notes in the piano roll editor (which I am unable to access as mentioned above). Long pressing any of the pads in scene 1 also doesnt do anything. Sure that I am missing something here

  2. Scrolling through presets and selecting: can scroll and select be mapped to midi cc? Currently using an akai mpk mini mk 3 and can see that the joy stick transmits midi and can be pressed to effect a selection. Unaware if the press is also registered as a midi message but itd be wonderful if i am able to select presets using this modality.

  3. Straightforward way of replacing a generator on a midi channel: usually I go back to the main menu and hit clear all or long press mixer which brings me to the menu that has remove chain option in it. Wondering if theres an easier way of replacing the engine on the channel currently in focus.

Background: Running zynthian off VNC on my tab.

Assessment: Forgive me if I am looking for this in all the wrong places. My ultimate goal is to treat my zynthian as a 16 track pattern sequencer which I can then use to arrange a song. If only I am able to lay patterns in scene view in realtime (if such a workflow exists), able to navigate presets per channel basis, and launch clips ableton style, i would have the best gift for christmas this year!!

Any recommendations?

To record MIDI notes into pattern, within the pattern editor press the record buttonn to arm recording then press the play button to start transport rolling. The pattern will play with its play cursor moving along the bottom and will record MIDI notes as they are played. You can enable the metronome to help with timing. Press record to stop recording. Press BACK/NO to undo the last recording. Note start is quantised to the settings of the pattern, e.g. steps per beat. Note off is quantised to sequence resolution (96 ticks per beat). Note duration is recorded as played.

To reolace an engine, access the chain context menu then highlight the engine. Press the SEL/YES button to access “Unit Options” menu and select “Replace”.

Check out the wiki for ways to control Zynthian with MIDI events.

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