Zynth club. .. There's just one rule in Zynth club

It looks like one person needs to link their account with facebook or github.

When you start the meeting click the login. Choose an auth provider and then re-join the meeting.

Yep! I logged in then it seemed to work but @pac_71 said he had to register - maybe it was just because we were doing it at the same time. Others did not register and were automatically admitted. I didn’t see any extra options after joining, e.g. there were not requests for members to enter the room. I will look at the new conditions to see if it will be an issue.

Last night we talked tosh including Zynthian stuff. (Blooming Americans insisting on returning to the topic!) There was some talk about tunings and whether many know that you can filter the pattern editor by a scale and there are lots to choose from. I didn’t take notes so not the usual account of events. I do remember talk of the increased cost of Zynthian which I found interesting. It is a different price for a different thing which seems reasonable but it might be useful to find out what such comments are based on, e.g. is there a desire for a lower cost device with less functionality? It may be that many elements have been combined onto the main board which is a significant proportion of the cost which may make it more challenging to DIY lower cost devices (using the Zynthian store parts). Of course the old boards are detailed in GitHub so anyone can get some fabricated and that doesn’t cost too much (money - time is another thing).

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Hey! I resemble that remark!

I took some notes and have a few memories in my handful of surviving brain cells:

There was some clarification offered on CUIA and the un-named ‘other’ functionality which I will call “Virtual Encoders”.

There was much discussion of 2812? LEDs and what wonderful things they could do, particularly in a Cajon.

We were informed where one could download a ‘64 bit’ ZynthianOS image, as long as one doesn’t require it to actually work.

We talked about the possibility-desirability of offering ‘assembled and tested’ Zynthians and whether it was just a matter of work and time or we are only offering kits at this time to keep the riff-raff out, or perhaps, in!

We heard about a problem with ‘autosizing’ SD cards. Amazingly, I experienced this problem later that day (in a slightly older version of Zynthian).

We talked about possible buttons-pads - including RGB LEDs, various ways they work, and how they work in V5.

We were treated to a show and tell with a pre-DMX MIDI lighting controller, a Cajon with a Beating Heart™, and Orange and Blue Pixel Phones.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness at this point.

We talked about Blue Pills, various bands including QED and Polythenia?, forking nano-controllers?, Ch32 - which was not recommended. And then, my notes, although still composed of perfect alphanumeric characters somehow dissolved into illegibility…


There was some on off on
There was some off on off
And there was talk of latching. Off-on I guess.
I remember purple. Purple LEDs.

I remember wanting one of these in a Cajon for about 2 seconds:-

Also, we need an update from @freeKey and @ronsum and a few more

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The Brown Pill is not specifically too good. Or was it brown acid and purple LEDs :>

jokes aside. We could better connect with the community to be more inclusive with some perhaps advertised on topic discussions rather than old white guys rambling. We can do both but separating social from on topic might be good.

Do we have a Discord or other channels to connect to the wider communiuty?

Must be about that time but dare I suggest Zynthian Club with the login fisasco last month.
Tue 10 Oct 2023. 19:00 UTC anyone?

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Yes - let’s do it! @wyleu and are are all jacked up from our exposure to a sea of synth enthusiasts and eager to share our experience… unless that experience has resulted in us being infected by illness and desease which may yet transpire - let’s hope not. 19:00 UTC tomorrow sounds good. Remember we are working our way through various daylight saving changes around the world so your time may vary - time is the universal constant that seems to change and confuse so much!!!

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Please excuse my colleague’s exuberance. Jacked up indeed! Techie punning, no less!

I’m Open miking in a pub from about 9:00 ish but I should provide my traditional artillery approach to club moots.

Ah… I also have a pub based meeting to attend…


What a long and interesting night we had in the club house this week. Representatives from three continents conversed freely about many things but one subject dominated for much of the meeting - riban modular. I will post seperately about that so let’s not extend the conversation here. We also discussed:

  • Synthfest 2023
  • Yamaha’s Montage
  • Korg’s unwillingness to provide more integration between engines within their more complex synths / workstations
  • Core Electronics is a small outfit that has managed to secure the honour of Raspberry Pi partner in Australia
  • Microsoft may be planning to install nuclear reactors in their data centres!
  • Sweaty screws corrode health equipment fastenings - beware how you construct your next hardware device
  • Modular synths can be affordable, tidy and polyphonic - but we weren’t going to talk about that here were we?
  • It’s in the way you perceive it - General Semantics by Alfred Korzybski considers how the use of language and how we perceive it influences our state of mind in his rather snapily titled, " Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics"
  • The imminent release of the Raspberrry Pi 5 poses challenges for Zynthian but we are confident our wonderful design team won’t be daunted and deliver a solution. Will the RPi5 eclipse the RPi4 in availability, forcing such work to be performed rapidly?
  • Will American law makers slow progress with their concerns over competition and security? RISC-V is at risk!

As the clock approached midnight, the last remaining old farts retired, leaving just the echos of their conversation whispering though the air like an almost forgotten dream…


Must be about time for Zynthian Club. Any date times suit people better?

Any day except Friday 17th is good for me. Maybe we could chose some topics / issues to discuss / resolve during the meeting. Yeah I know - organised meetings is not the vibe of Zynthclub and we rarely spend much time on such preplanned topics but if anyone has something they specifically want to discuss or resolve then it may give an opportunity for this. There are subjects in the forum and bugs on the tracker that look interesting but can benefit from some context / exchange of ideas to progess.

Sooperlooper seems relevant at the moment.
Anyone got a Pi5 yet?

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Tuesday and Thursday are better than other days for me.

Also interesting and looper related, the new Korg KAOSS Replay which is close in formfactor and hardware features to the new Zynthian v5 but obviously not as good.

Let’s say Tuesday 14th November 2023 at 19:00 UTC.


I have one :wink: but not tested yet. It arrived yesterday.

Sooperlooper is the hottest feature and it deserves some brainstorming.


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1000 or so posts and he turns up!

Should I monocle him?