Zynthian 5.1 RPi5 issue after assembling


I’ve got my build kit and first of all would say how professionnal this kit is presented. I was very impressed buy the quality of the kit !

But my Zynthian isn’t starting:

  • By powering on I get the fast screen flash
  • Very first boot I got some text scrolling (reversed) on the screen.
  • Then… nothing
  • Now the PI5 led is blinking 3 times long and one time fast. With or without an SD card.

What can I do ?
Note it’s an PI5 8Gb, and the image was frehsly downloaded a few minutes before.

Thanks a lot


I had this same issue. This fixed it for me: Zynthian 5.1 RPi5 issue after first boot, red LED on + green LED blinks 3 times - #4 by jofemodo

If the issue persists, please try disabling the overclocking in the SD-image before booting the zynthian V5.1 for first time. It must be a fresh burned SD-image. I mean, you never tried to boot with it before. For doing so, follow this instructions:

  • Burn a fresh SD-image with the latest stable
  • Mount the SD-card in your computer
  • Edit this file in the root partition (the bigger partition in the SD-card):


  • Replace the overclocking value from “Medium” to “None”:


Umount the SD-card and try booting your V5.1 with it.

It seems that the number of RBPi5 boards not supporting overclocking is higher than expected and we should disable overclocking by default. Currently it’s set to “medium”.

I also had to power cycle the Zynthian. It didn’t work the first time I turned it on but then it did when I turned it off and back on again.

HI @Joe!

You may want to read this thread too:

I recommend you download the updated SD-image from last night (2024-09-26).

Also, perhaps you need to recover the firmware in your Raspberry Pi 5. For doing so, please follow these instructions:

You have to download the recovery image from here:


Burn to a SD card, boot and wait until you see the green light blinking. Then turn off and boot normally with the latest ZynthianOS SD image.

If still doesn’t work, i would recommend you re-check the wiring putting special attention to cable orientation, etc.


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Hello Joe,
Thanks for your input ! It’s the image I’ve downloaded from today so Overclocking is already set to “none”. I’ve checked it by reading the zynthian_envars_V5_pi5.sh.

The PI5 is blinking even if not SD card in the slot. So I think I need to go with a recovery image like jofemodo proposed it !

I will return after trying with the recovery image !

Thanks !


After applying the recovery image, I’ve just booted with my original SD card, and this time it started without any problem and much faster as expected !!!
Now I can continue my tests…

Thanks a lot !

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I’m trying to find a solution to avoid all these issues with eeprom recovery.



It was a brand new RPI5 8Go bought from Amazon just a few days before the announcement of the availability of the V5.1 kit.
If you need some more details please let me know !

Thanks a lot for all your work !!

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I had the same issues after assembly. I followed what jofemondo wrote, and now the V5.1 works! Great job! Thank you!

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