Zynthian 5.1 RPi5 issue after first boot, red LED on + green LED blinks 3 times

Hello, I’ve got my V5.1 Kit today and assembled it quite perfect.
I have downloaded the recent oram image and I have also an SD card with a Raspberry OS image.
It is a Pi5 8GB version and it workded fine with Raspberry Pi OS until today. After assembling everything I have connected the power cord and switched it on. I saw the display flashing short, then some text were rushing upside down for a second. It went black and then again for a second the was the boot-up text. Then the display went black. I waited a few minutes and nothing happened, no display, no lights, no switchlights etc. I then connected a LAN cable, but the RJ45 LEDs there also did not light up.
So I opened the upper cover and saw the Pi red LED on. After powering off the device and repowering, the red LED is on and the green LED flashes 3 times.

I disconneced the flex cables one after the other (without power of course) without any effect. So I completely unassebled the Pi5 and just conneced it plain with my old power cable with the same effect, nothing. No HDMI output, no network, nothing and same thing with the Raspberry OS (64bit).

Did I brick somehow the EEProm with booting the ORAM image? Did I break the Pi5? (This would be very odd)

Before I forget, the SD Card I am using is a Sandisk Extreme A2 128GB. I have copied that (New ZynthianOS Stable: Oram-2409 is the new Stable!) with:

# pv zynthianos-last-stable.img > /dev/sdd
14,1GiB 0:02:05 [ 115MiB/s] [=======================================================================================================================>] 100%            
# sync

So all fine IMHO with that card, and also the Pi OS one.

Do you have an idea what I did wrong?

Thank in advance, Marco

Sounds like you need to “flash the eeprom” via RPi utility:

I have no idea what, if anything you “did wrong”. Maybe something in a past life!

Thanks that put the Pi back to life, thanks a lot!!!

I will reassemble everything and booting the image again.

Hi @marco!

If the issue persists, please try disabling the overclocking in the SD-image before booting the zynthian V5.1 for first time. It must be a fresh burned SD-image. I mean, you never tried to boot with it before. For doing so, follow this instructions:

  • Burn a fresh SD-image with the latest stable
  • Mount the SD-card in your computer
  • Edit this file in the root partition (the bigger partition in the SD-card):


  • Replace the overclocking value from “Medium” to “None”:


Umount the SD-card and try booting your V5.1 with it.

It seems that the number of RBPi5 boards not supporting overclocking is higher than expected and we should disable overclocking by default. Currently it’s set to “medium”.

BTW, the RPi5 board you are using has been bought from the zynthian shop or you buy it from other place?

Ahhh! if the thermal pad is damaged by the umounting/mounting process, i would send you more.


He @jofemodo,
thanks for the hint with the overclocking parameter, I will try that today afternoon. I have a few questions:

  • If the Pi is connected to the power Board, is it possible to boot with a EEProm fix image SD card?
  • Do I break something If I boot with a Raspbian OS SD image? If that would work, can I connect a HDMI cable to see what the PI is doing?

Some thermal pads I definitely destroyed but I have some big unused pads left from my other PC and RPi projects. If you do not have a specified a certain thermal resistance, I would use the ones I have. So you don’t need to send some. Thanks a lot!!!

Yes, of course!

No. You can do it without problem.

Anyway, remember that, if everything is correctly connected and there is no hardware problems, the zynthian image simply works with the kit V5.1.

If trying to boot with a fresh-burned image the display goes black after showing some inverted lines, i would suspect of overclocking. If you can confirm my diagnostic, you would be the second user having this issue, and then i would generate a new SD-image with default overclocking set to “None” for RBPi5.

BTW, could you tell me if you bought the RBPi5 board from the zynthian shop?


The thermal block design is adjusted for working with 0.5mm pads. If your pads are thicker, you could simply tight stronger the bolts, or push with your finger before, to make it thinner.
1mm should be workable. Thicker than this would be too much.

Tell me if you need i send you a piece.


I will verify the issue with the overclocking ASAP, I am currently in tele work so not much time until afternoon.

The PBPi5-8GB I have ordered in the German Rasppishop.de directly when it was available, means not in the zynthian shop. Let me know if you need any HW details.

Okay the overclock setting to “None” made it work. Test sound plays, buttons and lights work. :+1: