Zynthian Buster Raspberry 4 test

Curious! We had a similar problem with NoizeMaker and other plugins and have to generate the presets off-line. Today i’ve noted that a file included in many “install” scripts include redundant code for configuring the compiling options, and it seems to be failing in the simulated environment used for the nightly builds (we use CustomPiOS, that uses qemu for simulate an ARM machine). I’ve removed the redundant code … if this night helm presets are generated correctly, perhaps we have hunted an old problem … jejeje!



For me it’s working like a charm for v3 kit. I’ve not tested with v2. I will do …

Sorry, it works for me, I have a V2 not a V2+, I make a mistake…

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It still not working, but perhaps we could generate the presets on the first boot, with something like:

cd $ZYNTHIAN_PLUGINS_SRC_DIR/helm/builds/linux/LV2
make ttl_generator
./lv2_ttl_generator $ZYNTHIAN_PLUGINS_DIR/lv2/helm.lv2/helm.so
cp -a *.ttl $ZYNTHIAN_PLUGINS_DIR/lv2/helm.lv2

It should be a lot faster than re-building helm.

I will try this on monday but if someone want to try before … :wink:


I make the change but I miss to make the script executable, I try to tell git to do the chmod, but it’s not working.

git update-index --chmod=+x filename.sh

OK guys!

I improved the script for also generating TTLs for the DISTHRO ports plugins, that also failed to generate in the emulated environment, so i can re-enable the DISTHRO plugins build again.

Tomorrow will see … :wink:



BTW, nightly build is green :wink:


OK! Yerterday’s build failed but today’s one is green again and it should fix the problem with Helm presets.

The time for “ARUK Buster RC-1” is coming … :wink:



OK! Yerterday’s build failed but today’s one is green again and it should fix the problem with Helm presets.

The time for “ARUK Buster RC-1” is coming … :wink:



I have a custom Zynthian up and running, and had put of using a Buster image for months due to a problem with using my Hifiberry Digi+. Yesterday I spent a few hours and managed to solve it :slight_smile:

Jackd initialises alsa in a different way on Buster to how it worked on Stretch. We have to now explicitly tell jack to set up a 16-bit connection with -S parameter to stop it defaulting to 32-bit, which caused wild static distortion from the Digi+'s digital outs.

There’s a good chance this affects the other ‘digi’ boards in the webconf.

Also, we can use the machine name of the boards in the parameters on the rare occasion that they are not at hw:0 (i.e. hw:sndrpihifiberry). Very occasionally my USB controllers take over hw:0 and the digi+ ends up on a different index.

Pull request here:

Looking forward to the new image :heart_eyes:


Hi @zynthianers!

We have a serious candidate to “Aruk Buster RC-1”:


All the engines should be working, also Wifi, etc.
If some of you could test it a little bit and everything is OK-enough, i will rename the file to RC-1 :wink:


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I have a pi 4 with 2gb ram. Is there anything in particular I can test with this image for you?

You could test the “problematic” engines:

  • Dexed
  • Aeolus
  • TAL-NoiseMaker
  • Helm

Also Wifi subsystem has been a focus of problems with Buster.

And everything else …

  • snapshots: save/restore (test that audio routing is correctly restored, specially in multi-layer setups with several effects)

  • MIDI-learning: some issues with setBfree has been fixed recently. Test that MIDI-learning (CCs & programs) is correctly restored with snapshots.

  • External USB-drive feature: It’s been recently added and should be tested. See this thread:


Thanks a lot!!


Hi @zynthianers!

I’ve been testing a little bit the latest SD-image from the nightly builds (currently is broken again) and i think is good-enough for being the RC1. So i renamed the file like that:


Please, do your testing :wink:

Hopefully, the nightly build system will be fixed in the next days …



Hi @zynthianers!

Nightly builds are working again. Today’s build is green and it includes some improvements and fixes, like:

  • fixed mod-ttymidi
  • improved MOD-UI, including zynthian router MIDI ports that allow to process MIDI data before sending to zynthian core layers
  • new CUIAs; play/stop Audio/MIDI tracks, including keybidings and MIDI bindings (note-on & standard system transport messages)
  • etc.

You can download from here:



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My AudioInjector Raspi4 setup doesn’t start up.
I have to investigate further.

The issue is solved with 10-09

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Hi @jofemodo,

2019-09-24-zynthianos-buster-lite-1.0.0-RC1 is running since yesterday. Next test at night in the rehearsal room.

Regards, Holger