Zynthian error after update (maybe bad repo)

I changed by mistake the repos for the update. After reboot, I have the screen Zynthian error.
Is there a script in ssh to reinstall the good repos and redo a update?

ZynthianOS: Built on os.zynthian.org
Timestamp: 2024-03-01
Optimized: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

Kit: V5
Display: MIPI DSI 800x480 (inverted)
Soundcard: V5 ADAC
Wiring Layout: V5

zynthian-ui: stable (f19f78)
zynthian-webconf: stable (7e7456)
zyncoder: stable (c452d2)
zynthian-sys: stable (7a6995)
zynthian-data: oram (6fa0db)

Linux zynthian 6.6.47+rpt-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.47-1+rpt1 (2024-09-02) aarch64

Thanks a lot

Zynthian stable is based on Debian 10 and runs a 32 bit system.
Zynthian Oram le debian 12 based and runs à 64 bit system. It will be soon the next stable release.
You cant mix both system.

I recommend that you use à new Sdcard, burn the Oram version and perform a fresh install.

Hi, it’s already a Oram but I changed the repos in the web menu by mistake and after reboot it crashes.

I just want to change the repos with and perform a new update and I hope that is will be ok.

Can you use webconf to set the repos?

the webconf is not up, I can’t.

If you feel brave, you can edit .git/config in each directory and change the branch then run git pull in each directory. You could just do this in /zynthian/zynthian-webconf then restart and use webconf to change the other repos.

Hopefully the downgrade to stable didn’t break anything in the OS. If so, you will have to flash a new image.

but can you ssh into the Zynthian box ?

so you move from “Oram” to “stable” ?

If so, you can ssh (*) into the zynthian box and back up your data folder and start with a new install.

(*) or use filezilla

Yes I change Oram to Stable
I have access to ssh interface

You can try @riban approach through ssh then.
You can also try to back up your personnal data and start with a new install.


it should work as is with your v5 kit.

I will backup and create a new image in my SD.

Thanks for your help