I changed by mistake the repos for the update. After reboot, I have the screen Zynthian error.
Is there a script in ssh to reinstall the good repos and redo a update?
ZynthianOS: Built on os.zynthian.org
Timestamp: 2024-03-01
Optimized: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Zynthian stable is based on Debian 10 and runs a 32 bit system.
Zynthian Oram le debian 12 based and runs à 64 bit system. It will be soon the next stable release.
You cant mix both system.
I recommend that you use à new Sdcard, burn the Oram version and perform a fresh install.
If you feel brave, you can edit .git/config in each directory and change the branch then run git pull in each directory. You could just do this in /zynthian/zynthian-webconf then restart and use webconf to change the other repos.
Hopefully the downgrade to stable didn’t break anything in the OS. If so, you will have to flash a new image.